Chapter 29 - The Waterworks

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Looking at my relationship with Yibo, I wouldn't call us a romantic couple. Which is probably more due to our circumstances than our real will. Because I am convinced that if we had a normal life, we would be quite romantic and even like it. I could finally convince myself of this in the last few days.

Because instead of just one night as planned, we stayed in my apartment for almost a week. We had been, although many creatures were out and about in the city, safe in my apartment.

After our first night in my apartment, we decided to stay a little longer and then set about searching the now abandoned apartments for things we could use. In some apartments we found what we were looking for. What was probably because their owners died and they could not run away with the valuable supplies.

I must say, searching these apartments while their stinking decaying owners lay in any of the rooms cost us a lot of effort in the beginning. But our own will to survive was stronger than the urge to just leave and go to the next apartment. And at least we didn't find any dead children! Because then I would certainly not have gone on and would have left this apartment immediately!

Hastily and as if the dead would wake up any moment, we searched the apartments, grabbed food, mostly cans, water bottles and other useful things like batteries, candles or lighters. We packed everything into backpacks and bags and as soon as they were full, we took everything to my apartment and set off again. It had taken all day, but it was more than worth it.

In the evening when I went to take a shower to wash off the stench of the dead, Yibo prepared our dinner. He heated two cans of beef soup and boiled water for two small noodle snacks. When I got out of the shower, I found Yibo waiting for me amid a heart of candles in the living room. He wrapped his arms around me, kissed me and said, "I know that because of our constant struggle for survival, romance comes up short in our relationship. Unfortunately, I have to say. I would like to have a life with you that would be completely normal. Because then we would have gone out regularly, to the movies, to restaurants. We would have traveled and done other couples activities. And on our first anniversary, I would have proposed to you. Simply because I love you and never want to be without you again. We wouldn't have rummaged through the belongings of dead and missing people to ensure our survival like we did today. I would make you a night like tonight much more often. Eating together by candlelight, with soft music, holding you in my arms afterwards, kissing and spoiling you while we make love. I love you so much Zhan and I'm immensely sad that I can't show you all the time."

"I love you too Yibo and you show it to me all the time. Even if you don't realize it. I would also like to have a normal life with you. And I would have definitely said yes to your proposal because I can't imagine my life without you either." I replied very emotionally.

"How about we eat now and watch a movie afterwards? The battery of your laptop is still full. I checked it earlier and you have plenty of movies here that we could watch. And after the movie, we'll both go to bed and I'll spoil you."

"That sounds like a good plan." I said. Yibo kissed me and we sat down to eat.

While I was eating my soup, Yibo was watching me the whole time until suddenly I could look at the bottom of my bowl and see a ring inside. Yibo laughed and said, "Sorry, I thought that was romantic. But now it seems kind of silly."

I fished the ring out of my soup, cleaned it, looked at it, and asked Yibo, "Put it on me Yibo, please."

Yibo took the ring, put it on my finger and said, "Don't worry, I didn't take it off a dead person. Honestly, I bought it after our first night together. I drove the patrol car past a jewelry store that was open and felt the need to stop. I looked at the rings and found this one. I knew I would want to give it to you someday. Even after just one night with you, I knew it. And likewise, I knew that with this ring I would ask you to marry me. So I ask you, do you want to marry me ZhanZhan?"

You, the apocalypse and me! [YiZhan FF] FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now