Chapter Seven

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Benny slept in the hospital with Frida, he didn't want to leave her alone for any reason in the world, on the sofa in the private room.

Benny called Björn, his friend and co-worker, to tell him he wasn't going to work today, Frid couldn't be alone.

He looked at Frida who was sleeping, she was so pretty, so helpless and weak.
He couldn't help but look at her, she was like a magnet. He was attracted to her as a bee
was attracted to flowers.

Frida slowly opened her eyes, she was confused and dazed by the painkillers.

"Good morning my love" Benny said standing up and kissed her forehead.

"Hey" Frida whispered.

"How are you?".

"My head hurts as hell" she groaned.

"I know honey, but I'm sure it'll be over soon," he told her, gently stroking her hand.

"Gimme a kiss" she said quietly and so he did.

Exactly at that moment the doctor entered the room and the two separated embarrassed.

"Good morning Miss Lyngstad, how are you?"

"Pretty good, Doctor. My head still hurts, though."

The doctor chuckled.

"It's normal, miss, your trauma is not serious, you can go home by noon, now a nurse will come and take your bandage off and you will sign some papers, but you will remain hospitalized until noon, as I said, to be sure that everything is fine"

"Okay doctor, thank you very much," Benny said.

Benny and Frida spent the morning talking and "getting to know each other better", they said simple things, almost stupid.

Frida's favorite color was red, Benny loved tennis, she liked emeralds, he liked to cook, she was a very good dancer, he loved reading.

Frida loved to sing and Benny loved to play the piano.

At about half past twelve the doctor went back into the room and made Frida sign the release papers, took off her hospitalization appliances and prescribed some painkillers, also for her back and rear, since she had fallen backwards.

Benny took Frida by the hand and they walked slowly towards his car. He helped her to sit down, went to his place and carefully drove to Frida's house

The two entered the house and exchanged a sweet and quick kiss.

They put the documents in Frida's hospital file and went to her bed as her head still hurt a lot.

They both lay down on the bed and Benny took off his shirt so that Frida could feel his warmth better and relax, a kind of "skin to skin" like with children, and hugged her.

"In the weeks when we didn't talk I thought about you a lot, every time I saw you on the street, alone, with Mona, or with a pretty girl the blood in my veins was freezing, I was dying to run towards you and stay in your arms, but something wouldn't allow me, maybe my pride..."

"I also thought about you a lot, I couldn't work quietly, I couldn't sleep hugging a pillow and imagining it was you. I missed you, Frida, I didn't know why, since we've known each other for a year, if that's right, and We've been dating very recently. But I realized later that it was love, love at first sight. I've never loved any woman, Frida... you are the first, the only, and the last".

Frida was about to cry but Benny avoided it by gently stroking her face.

When he saw that she had finally fallen asleep he got up, went to the kitchen and prepared something to eat for Frida, since she had not been able to eat.

He made her a hot soup, he thought it might be good for her.

As soon as the soup was ready he put it in a bowl which he placed on a tray, also took some chocolate barretts to eat after taking the painkillers, as they tasted horrible.

Benny went up to her room after about an hour and a half and found Anni-Frid was having trouble trying to scratch her back.

He chuckled and said, "Hey stupid girl, what are you trying to do? You're not gonna scratch your back, you know it?"

Frida snorted and nodded.

"Help me" she said kinda irritated.

"At your orders my queen".

It was late afternoon and Benny had to go because he had told John, a trusted employee of his, that they would meet to talk about work.

"Please don't go" Frida said with puppy eyes.

How could he say no to that little face?

So Benny called John to tell him that the meeting would be skipped, he undressed and cuddled in bed with Frida and soon they fall asleep in each other's arms.

𝑲𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆, 𝑲𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat