Chapter Twenty-Four

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On the way home, Benny did nothing but peppered Frida with questions.

"How far along are you?" he asked, resting his hand on the belly of her, who was sitting in the car next to him.

"Tenth week, two weeks until the end of the first trimester" Frida said smiling.

"And how are you feeling?"

"Well the nausea hasn't gone away yet but it has improved"

"When is your next doctor's appointment?"

"In two weeks, if the pregnancy proceeds safely we should go about once a month"

"Got it."

Benny never took his hand off Frida's tummy, he only did so if he had to change the gear of the car.

"We'll have to make our little Peewee's bedroom!" Benny said with love-struck eyes once they entered the Penthouse.

"Our what?" Frida said with a thoughtful look.

"Our Peewee!" Benny said emphatically.

"We're not calling our baby Peewee."

"What are you going to call it before we know the sex?"


"But that's boring!"

"Pewee is ugly"

"Not true"

"Benny, Peewee is ugly, we can't call it Peewee for another two months"

"Of course we can" Benny said feigning a pout.

"When we announce the news will we say, 'Frida is expecting a Peewee'?"

"Sure, that's nice"

"No way."

"If you don't like Peewee we can call it Cherry"

"Do you have to name our baby as a food?"

"You don't want to name it after an animal, do you? You're not going to call him little ant, are you? I hate ants"

"Benny" Frida sighed impatiently "I'm not going to name the baby neither Ant, nor Cherry, nor Peewee nor any vegetable, fruit, food or animal" she said taking the bags from the floor and walking towards the stairs.
Benny stopped her by taking her by the waist and kissed her on the neck.

"Alright, we'll call it whatever you want until we know if it's a boy or a girl".

Frida smiled and stroked his cheek, she then walked towards her bedroom.

It was now another week later and Frida's belly was beginning to show, it was the right time to announce the big news, they didn't want to make anyone suspicious.

That Saturday Benny and Frida decided to have a small party on the terrace of their Penthouse.
They invited Agnetha, Bjorn and little Linda, Aunt Olive, her husband and daughters, Aunt Ana and Uncle Goran, Eva-Lis and her husband, Gorel and Stig then Ingrid.
At precisely nine o'clock they were all in the Lyngstad-Andersson Penthouse.

"Auntie Frida!" Linda shouted running towards her on the terrace couch, "I like this party because you're here, but I'm bored, but I have no one to play with!".
Linda complained, and she was right, but this would only last for a few more months.

At that point Frida had an idea, she picked Linda up and took her to the inner living room, where they could be alone.

"Little one, you have a mission to do, listen well..."

Meanwhile outside the party continued, everyone was having a good time and the cosy, family atmosphere was the best thing about it, Benny, not seeing Frida, decided to go looking for her.

"Got it, Linda?" he heard from the living room, walked in and found Frida and Linda giggling.

"What are my women planning?" Benny said taking Linda in his arms.
Frida explained the plan in a low voice and they went out.
Linda got out of her uncle's arms and stood in the middle of the terrace and let out a chilling scream.
Everyone turned, pale, towards the girl. Linda blushed and then continued:

"I have something to say," she said, looking at the tips of her toes.

Frida went to her and took her in her arms.

"Do you want to do it, little one?" Frida whispered to her and the little girl nodded, "Then come on, I'll hold you."

Linda made to clear her throat and then continued:

"Now I have no one to play with here at Auntie Frida's house, but in a few months I won't be alone."

Linda looked at her aunt's face and realised that Benny was hugging her.

The atmosphere on the terrace was icy, no one dared to breathe.
The first to have a reaction was Aunt Olive, who let out an equally chilling scream, she was followed by Agnetha with tears while the others were all gaping.
Agnetha knew about the pregnancy, but the emotion of that moment was too strong.

"Tell us it's not a joke-" Eva-Lis said shocked.

"No!" Frida said laughing, "I'm pregnant for real.

Suddenly everyone ran to congratulate the couple, to hug them and shower them with good wishes.

"Are you happy, Linda?" Agnetha said wiping away her tears.

Linda did not answer, but hugged her aunt tightly and began to cry, as excited as everyone for the arrival of her little cousin. Frida's eyes also began to fill with tears and she started stroking the back of her niece who was still lying in her arms.

The party was a success, everyone was overjoyed at the news that the soon-to-be-Andersson family had given. They could not have been more excited and eager to meet the little Andersson Baby.

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