Archeology For Beginners

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"Cain! Cain! Cain!" Jack and Annebeth called out as they walk around the camp. Arthur and (y/n) were sitting at a table, eating the stew Pearson had made. The two young children go up to Miss Grimshaw. "Miss Grimshaw, have you seen Cain?" Annebeth asked her. "No, dear, I haven't. But I'm sure he will turn up. He's a wander." Grimshaw said, trying to assure them.

"We're getting really worried." Jack said and the two keep walking around and call out for Cain. Then they come up to Arthur and (y/n). "Uncle Arthur, Aunt (y/n)...have you seen Cain?" Jack asked them. "No, sweetheart, I haven't." (Y/n) said as Arthur shakes his head. "He'll turn up when he gets hungry." Arthur said but the words didn't seem to comfort the kids as they continue on with their search.

"Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen that dog the past couple of days." (Y/n) said. The past few days had been hectic, what with moving to a new campsite, Molly's death, Arthur being out and helping out with the next big score and now with them just coming back from Colm's hanging its been hard to keep up with everything.

Arthur grunts a bit at this as he puts another spoonful of stew in his mouth. (Y/n) finished her stew when Dutch walks up to the table, towards Arthur. "New York. We are going to go to New York. Now they have been chasing us south and east and west. We're going to get a boat. We're going to get on a river and we're going to go north." He said. "New York." Arthur and (y/n) said, in unison, confused.

"Then Tahiti, the Fiji Islands, or this place New Guinea. Dancing girls, freedom. But first we have to make a whole lot of smoke, a whole lot of commotion, and then we disappear." Dutch explains. "We need more commotion?" (y/n) asked him. "One score and one whole hell of a lot of noise." Dutch said, proudly. "We ain't so good at doing scores anymore, Dutch." Arthur said and Dutch gives him a look of confusion.

"Are you feeling all right, Arthur?" He asked him. "Sure, I'm fine." Arthur said and Dutch looks at him for a moment then he turns to look at (y/n), almost in a suspicious way, and he noticed that she looked a bit rough. Her pale face, the tired look in her eyes and noticed that her face looked a bit fuller than it did before. He's also noticed she randomly vomits every now and then, although, to (y/n), it was less frequent than just a couple of weeks ago.

(Y/n), for the first time, felt a bit uncomfortable around Dutch. It was just the way he was looking at her kinda scared her as she could see a glint of annoyance and anger towards her. But I've done nothing. She thought when Charles calls out.

"Pardon me for interrupting. I've brought a friend, Arthur." He said and he gestures to a young Native American man and Arthur stands up then walks over to him. He knew who this was. Before the botched bank heist in Saint Denis, Arthur helped to get some papers for Eagle Flies, that was gonna make his tribe to move so that they could get the oil in their land. Charles mentioned to Arthur sometime after that job that he had went and helped Eagle Flies to release some of his men.

"Hello." He said as he shakes the man's hand. "Hello." The man said then Arthur turns to Dutch and (y/n). "Dutch, (y/n), this is Eagle Flies. His father is a great chief. Charles and I, we-" Arthur explained then Eagle Flies finishes his sentence. "Pretended to be mercenaries. Did me a great favor." he said and (y/n) goes up to him. "Hello, I'm (y/n)." (Y/n) introduced and her and Eagle Flies shake hands then Dutch nods as he walks up to Eagle Flies.

"Dutch Van Der Linde. How do you do?" Dutch greets as he shakes his hand. "Not well, sir." Eagle Flies said. "Well, I am sorry to hear that." Dutch said. "How's your father?" Arthur asked Eagle. "Father has confused wisdom with weakness. His people, my people, we've suffered too much. Been lied to too much. Now they've taken our horses." Eagle explained.

"Who?" Dutch asked him. "The infantry division posted at Fort Wallace." Charles replied. "Why?" Dutch asked, seeming to be interested. "Colonel Favours is a liar and a murderer. His people won't stop until we're all dead. Without horses we cannot hunt. Without hunting we will starve. This is another act of war." Eagle said. "I see that." Dutch said.

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