My Last Boy

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The next several days, Arthur had gotten busy as he jumped back into work once he and (y/n) got back from their date. Once they woke up from their motel room, they made their way back to camp where Charles came up to Arthur with Rains Fall. Rains Fall told them that Colonel Favors had agreed to a meet up and he wanted Charles and Arthur to come with him.

They go but the meet up went alittle sideways as Rains Fall and Favors didn't come to an agreement and he tried to arrest Captain Monroe for treason. But Arthur and Charles were able to get him out and they got away until they make their way to a nearby train station. Arthur then gave Monroe some money to get away.

After that, Arthur went to go help Dutch and Eagle Flies with the military. That job doesn't go well as there was more men than they expected and Eagle Flies got captured while Dutch and Arthur were able to get away. Dutch then told Arthur he was gonna send Charles to the Indian reservation and that Arthur should meet him there so that they could go save Eagle Flies.

So the duo make their way to the camp that the army was holding Eagle Flies and made their way inside. They kill a few men and were able to get Eagle Flies, who was battered and bruised from the torture, and they all got away on canoes in the river that was nearby.

And Arthur also helped Sadie to take down the remaining O'Driscoll's and Sadie was able to find and kill the man who was responsible for killing her husband.

That was just a few days ago, and Arthur was resting at his tent with (y/n) and Annebeth. He sighs as he listens to (y/n) reading to Annebeth until he noticed that a couple of Micah's friends, Cleet and Joe, were still hanging around. Actually, they had been hanging around camp for a few days, almost a week now, and it worried Arthur to no end. "Excuse me." Arthur tells (y/n) as he gets up and walks over to them.

"Why are these two still here?" He asked Dutch, gesturing at Cleet and Joe. "Old pals of Micah's." Dutch replied. "They're getting real comfortable." Arthur grumbles as he glares at the two. "We need guns for what's coming. Cleet and Joe know how to’s lucky I bumped into 'em." Micah replied then Arthur turns to Dutch.

"What is going on, Dutch? What is happening to us? What's happening to you?" Arthur asked Dutch, in a low voice, then Micah steps up. "You show him some respect." Micah said, firmly, as he gets in Arthur's face. "Excuse me?" Arthur asked, angrily, but before Micah could talk back a voice shouts. "Mr Van Der Linde! Mr Morgan! Charles!"

The gang turns as they see Eagle Flies and his crew on horses gallop into the camp, all of them looked very upset. "They tried to kill my people for oil. For oil! Today we ride once more. Ride with me, ride with us! Ride with us against the factory." Eagle said as the gang walks up to them. "I love your courage, son. It is a thing of great beauty." Dutch said, happily, as he holds his arms out.

"Stop!" Another voice said and they turn and see Rains Fall gallop towards them and he holds his hand out to his people. "Everyone stop!" He shouts then he dismounts his horse and walks up to his son, who was still on his horse. "My son. My last son...don't." He pleads and Dutch looked displeased at this as he folds his arms across his chest.

"When I was your age...I fought. I saw death. I have killed. The men I knew were slain. My first born, your brother...had his head smashed by a drunken soldier. My wife had her throat slit." Rains Fall said and (y/n) gasped at this as she places a hand over her mouth while Rains Fall continues. "We made peace. I knew not to trust, yet I had no choice. Maybe you were right...maybe the slow death is worse than a fast one. Maybe none of these men are good. Maybe a world in which they came to a world that we cannot endure. But endure we must." He said to his son, who shakes his head.

"Father, you are tired." Eagle said. "Do not die for pride, my son." Rains Fall said. "We have suffered too much in this trick. The earth, the water...they have no pride. They endure, and we must endure. My only precious not mistake my strength for weakness. As your chief, I implore you." Rains Fall pleads to Eagle again as everyone in the gang looks around at each other, wondering what was gonna happen next. 

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