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Hazels p.o.v

I was tangled, tangled with my thoughts that still burdened the rest of the mind I had left.
I was tangled into every detail that I've left ignorant to.
I sat there along with them yet It felt like I was somewhere else, I had to be. I tried to be somewhere else.
It seemed that I wasn't the only one tangled, it seemed like we were all tangled to each other each making it seem more intricate than it already has.
We all have answers that we burden ourselves with each day.
We all have answers in which can be a solution to each other's question.
We all had the answers we needed but still had the courtesy to keep it to ourselves.

I maybe need something that they don't and maybe they need something that I don't and that's what makes it all complete.
I have some answers they may need, and they have answers I may need.
We all had our answers that hadn't done us good with our questioning and questioning ourselves more about it isn't going to change the veracity to our answers.
That was exactly what is going on. Each of us is silent yet so loud in our minds, we had enough to elaborate with us within our thoughts that we believed that we shouldn't speak aloud. I did.
Maybe they somehow could be the solution to my problems.

I assumed yet mainly I hoped that what I'll be doing right now can cause them closure as that's what they needed as much as I did.
I stepped out the room as I received a text that I've been waiting for the past half hour and rushed to answer, not only the text but the door that welcomed Amelia who still had that same look on her face.
I spoke what I had to earlier today and I'm not going to say I didn't mean a word from it cause I did and I'm not going to blame it on the heated moment. I still have that feeling towards Amelia for what she did but it wasn't as fair to me as it was to them. They questioned themselves along with their friendship and so all I could do or try to is to be able to give them answers or Amelia will soon enough.

" Can I talk to you for a split second before I do with them? " She asked me.

I had a second to think and two to respond.
" I'm not the one you should talk to. "

With that said she couldn't say another word as she followed behind me silently. I don't want to walk up to them and suddenly surprise them with her presence but I just needed them to acknowledge the slightest of what will be going on.
I stepped ahead as she waited.

" I know you guys need your time but questioning yourselves with whatever happened isn't going to get you guys any where. I know I have no say in this ,but trust me." I lightly spoke up opening the door wide as I called for her in.
A nod to Seth for approval before I stepped out to give them the space and the closure they needed within their friendship.
Don't get me wrong, I have approved of their friendship and I couldn't thank god more ,but whatever it was that she said was between their friendship before I came, so it clearly is between them and them only.

As much as I needed alone time I only felt the need to be surrounded by as much as possible hoping it'll block the thoughts I have left.

Anna was the only one home along with the kids and she acknowledged my presence as soon as I set foot in the living room.
I knew I needed to make it up to her but she seemed to think the same thing as she called me over.
" I saw what you did and thank you for that. It must've been hard on you to be the one to call her over. "

" You know? " I questioned surprised that she did but she seemingly chuckled and responded with saying his name aloud. " Alex" which was enough for me to know what she meant.

" Yeah, well I guess they deserved a response. Right? "

" I heard what she did and I'm sorry. "

" Eh, I'm alright now. " I smiled.

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