Chapitre 5☕️

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Now the the additional nights at the hotel have been paid for, Bakugo wasn't sure what to do.

With his class he had seen most of the interesting touristic attractions, and he didn't find them good enough to want to visit them again.

He figured he should go out and get something to eat at a nearby cafe.

Grabbing his shoes and his wallet he exited the hotel. Walking down the street he got a few odd looks from people, probably regarding his hair and eyes. But he just glared back, he didn't care about these meaningless extras.

Entering a cafe he saw something that made his breath hitch and get caught in his throat. A beautiful boy, around his age, that looked to be Japanese as well. He had circular silver-frame glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. He was reading a book, titled "Le petit prince" (The little prince) his different colored eyes ran over the page then darted back to where they were.

Sitting at the table next to the peppermint-haired beauty, rather aggressively at that, the other flinched and looked up, being met with piercing crimson eyes.

"Puis-je vous aider monsieur?" (May I help you sir?) he asked, setting his book down by his coffee.

"Tch I don't speak baguette." He replied in Japanese. The pretty boy's eyes widened, he smiled.

"Oh! You're from Japan!" He chirped happily.

Bakugo smirked, he was right, the guy was Japanese.

"Yeah, what about you? Your French is pretty spot on."

"Oh! Thank you! My mom is French and my dad is Japanese. When my dad was sent to jail, my mom and I moved here." He replied, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Jail huh? I'm sorry dude, if you don't mind me asking what's he in for?" Bakugo asked, genuinely concerned.

"...Child abuse and child rape." Replied the mystery man, quietly.

"What?!" Katsuki almost choked on his saliva.

"Yes but that was years ago.."

"Is the victim ok? Holy shit."

"I'm fine now yes."

"FUCK! I'm so sorry man..."

"That's alright, I'm Shoto by the way, Shoto Kazumi."

"I'm Katsuki Bakugo nice to meet you half'n'half"

[Fun Fact About France™️: Too lazy to think of one since I have Le Covid but I'll teach y'all some vocabulary instead:
Je m'appelle *insert name here*
My name is *insert name here*]

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