Chapitre 16.5🥂

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Once they were a reasonable distance from the park, Bakugo realized that he had literally no idea where they were going.

"Um Bakugo, where are we?"

"I was just about to ask you the same damn thing."

They were lost in the middle of the woods. Wonderful.

"Can't you text your mom or something to come get us?"

"Sure let me tell her to come pick us up at 69 'middle of the woods' street, between 'we are so fucked' and 'I think I heard something' Avenue." Shoto said pulling out his phone.

"I got it I got it. No need to be snappy."

"No! There's all the reason for me to be snappy! You got us lost! Why did you storm off like that?" Kazumi asked, genuinely confused.

"My history with Kara is not one I'd like to repeat. So it's best if I stay away from her." Bakugo explained.

"Hm. Reminds me of my father."

"Alrighty then, what do we do?"

"There's no service so I can't use google maps to get us out of here." Shoto sighed, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

"Damn it. So what we just die here?"

"Not funny."


They continued walking for a bit, a few noises were heard but neither of them saw any reason for concern.

"Surprised you aren't shitting yourself in fear Halfie."

"When you live with Endeavor for over a decade you get used to random jump scares."

"I guess that's true."

"So what's the plan? We can't just mindlessly walk around for hours." Bakugo said, getting slightly annoyed.

"I thought It was working pretty well for us don't you think?"

"Fuck off and get serious. We need to figure out a way to leave."

"There should be roads around here. But I can't spot any. I think we need to go back in the direction we came from. Hopefully we'll end up back at the park."

"And if we don't?"

"Then we'll just be two idiots lost in Paris."

"Eh beats being one idiot lost in Paris."

"Still not funny."

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