Chapitre 24🍦

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"Shoto has to change his last name back to Todoroki."

The two Kazumi's jaws dropped. Rei's more than Shoto's.

"What?! He can't do that! After all that man put him through? You want my son to change his last name? Do you even remember what happened?" Rei wasn't just mad, she was furious.

"Well It doesn't really matter, I need someone who acknowledges that they are of my family as my heir. Having a different last name would be unseemly." Teka scowled.

"Your son...took everything from Shoto. Things that a father is NEVER supposed supposed to take from his son. You are sick if you think he's gonna change his name because you are a traditionalistic bitch. Now get out of my house."

Teka stood up, the abrupt movement causing the cup to spill onto the table.

"Shoto. I am leaving next week. You have until then to decide. Here is my number." She handed a folded piece of paper to him.


Then just like that, Teka was gone.

Rei collapsed onto the couch, fuming.

"How dare she come all the way, to ask you to do something so horrible?" She asked herself.

Shoto didn't say anything, his eyes glued to the carpet.

"Sweetie, you do not under any circumstances have to feel obligated to do that just because she's your grandma. Asking that of you is just cruel." The mom placed a gentle hand on her son's shoulder.

"I'll think about it." He spoke finally. Rei tensed up.

"A-Are you sure? I know you grew up with that name but, you asked me to change it to mine as soon as the trial was over."

"It's fine, besides that only thing that man and I will share will be one last name. I don't mind. I just need to think about the move and everything. If that's okay." He said, standing up.

"Of course dear. Take your time." She watched quietly as her son returned to his room.

/ / /

Meanwhile, Bakugo was in his room listening to music.

He didn't know how to solve the conflict going on between him and Shoto. Apparently just explaining everything wasn't something he had thought of yet.

But he was leaving soon so it wouldn't matter anyway. Shoto would forget about him and their lives would go on like nothing ever happened. Except something did happen, Bakugo has never felt this way about anyone before. Now he's losing him. All because of his pride.

He heard the door next to his slam shut.

'Woah what happened?'

Something went wrong between the family members, he assumed.

Sighing he stood up and walked back out to the living room.

" um, I'm leaving in two days. I wanted to say thank you so much for taking care of me these past few weeks. It means a lot. I really enjoyed my time with you two, I hope I wasn't too much trouble." He said.

"No honey you were wonderful. Just, what happened between you and Shoto earlier? I thought you guys got along great."

"Ah well..."

"It's because of Kara and Nari isn't it?" She cut him off, starting to put the pieces together.

"I think? I don't know..." Bakugo answered truthfully.

"I knew something wasn't right the moment they entered the house..." Rei felt ashamed, she was part of the reason her son and his friend were fighting.

"It's just that, Kara is my ex."

"Oh- oh my goodness I am so sorry that must've been so uncomfortable for you."

"Nah it's chill. I just wish I knew how to solve whatever is going on between us."

Rei was going to answer but then the doorbell rang, again.

"I'll get it." He said.

Opening the door he saw Kara's face.

"Katsuki! Hi! I was wondering If i could hang out here for a bit? Nari and I aren't on great terms right now..."

"Uh sure. Let's go to my room."

He bid farewell to Rei and led the brunette to his room.

/ / /

Nari on the other hand, was going through her things, trying to find her backpack.

She eventually assumed Kara took it.
Going into her sister's room, she immediately saw something on her desk.

"What the- oh my god..KARA!"

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