Chapter 19🫶

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"Hey Katsuki! What a funny coincidence!" Said the brunette as she strutted into the house.

"Heyo." Said Nari, fist bumping Kazumi. Unlike her sister, she waited with her mom to be invited in.

"Hello Shoto! Oh it's so good to finally meet you! Your mom told me all kinds of good things about you!" Exclaimed a woman Shoto was not familiar with.

"Ah, thank you Miss."

"You can call her Mrs Zutomi ok?" Kara butted in, currently hanging onto Bakugo.

"Kara! Don't say that, he can call me Aishi if he wants!" Said her mom.

Kara just rolled her eyes and went back to yapping her mouth with Bakugo.

"And I told myself 'I have a feeling we'll meet again', and look! It's like the universe wants us to be together! Isn't it wonderful Katsuki?" She smiled. Katsuki rolled his eyes, and quite literally peeled her off his arm.

He then placed himself next to Shoto.

"Well um...come on in, my mom is in the kitchen!" Kazumi brought the remaining family members into the home.

"Mom!! They're here!" He called out. Rei appeared a moment later, going to greet her friend.

"Aishi! It's been so long dear how have you been?"

"Good! Thank you for asking, and yourself?"

"Ah it's been hectic. Shoto was just in the hospital for a concussion, and his friend is staying over. So I've got my hands full." She nodded towards the boys who just looked at each other and shrugged.

The moms continued to chat all throughout breakfast. Shoto and Nari remained totally silent, Bakugo growled every now and again, and Kara was rambling about her school life to Bakugo. (He did not care)

Once they had finished, Rei asked Shoto to bring Nari and Kara to his room so they could hang out while the mom's cleaned up.

"Nice room you got Kazumi." Complimented Nari as she sat down on the rug.

"I've seen better..." said Kara as she started rummaging through his things.

"Kara um, could you not?" Shoto asked.

"What? Got something to hide?" She teased, continuing to look through his drawers.

"He said stop, you deaf bitch." Snarled an angry blond. Kara froze then went and sat next to her sister.

"So, how'd you guys meet?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"We met at a cafe. He looked Japanese so I took my chances and went up to him." Bakugo explained, keeping a distance between him and the girls.

"Ah. Ok. So Shoto, got a girlfriend?" Kara asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"That would be difficult. Because I'm gay." He said bluntly.

Bakugo and Nari laughed at his response whereas Kara frowned.

'He's getting too close to my Katsuki. I have to do something.'

"Cool. I'm lesbian." Nari said, reclining a bit. Shoto smiled at her.

"Aha well looks like we're going to an ice skating rink! I...don't really know how to though. Would you mind showing me Katsuki?" She asked, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Um...sorry I already promised Shoto I'd help him." This was of course a lie.

'He called me Shoto again...' Thought a little peppermint, completely ignoring what else Bakugo said.

"What are you talking about? You're good at ice- OW" Kara elbowed Nari in the ribs.

Shoto and Katsuki stood in uncomfortable silence as the sisters bickered over the elder's ice skating capabilities.

"KIDS! WE'RE LEAVING!" Aishi's voice rang through the halls. Bakugo was out of the room faster than you could say 'MyNameIsNotFiveWeenies.'

When they pulled up to the ice skating rink. The workers recognized Shoto and Rei. As the boy liked to skate in his free time.

"Ok so, always stay in pairs. I'm thinking the girls together and the boys together." Rei said, aware of her son's discomfort when faced with new people.

"No! They should mix it up, get to know each other. Kara you go with Blondie and Nari you with Shoto!" Mrs. Zutomi exclaimed.

"I really don't think-"

"Nonsense Rei! They'll be fine don't worry."

The worried mother looked at her son who just nodded slowly. She gave him a sympathetic look.

"If they're ok with it then, go have fun you guys."

The teens walked away to put on their skates. Rei and Aishi got settled in a small cafe by the rink.

"So I guess we should get to know each other then." Nari said suddenly causing Kazumi to jump a little.

"Y-Yeah...How old are you?" He asked.

"15. You're the same age as my sister right?"

"Yep. 17 years old."

She nodded, and continued tying the laces on the skates.

"So, I know you said you don't have a girlfriend because you're gay. But what about a boyfriend? A certain blond perhaps?" She teased.

Shoto shook his head sadly,

"No, we're just friends."

Lost in Paris💋 (Book 1/2 Lost and Found)Where stories live. Discover now