Chapitre 16🪐

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"Oh yeah? How's this for confident?" And without warning Bakugo wrapped his arms around Shoto's waist. Pulling him in roughly, he grabbed the younger's chin tilting his head upwards.

"Confident enough for you Shoto?" The use of his first name made Kazumi's heart skip a beat.

Katsuki brushed their lips together for a mere moment, not fully kissing him but teasing the idea, before pulling away.

Shoto's face was quite red by now and Bakugo stifled a chuckle.

"Too much?" He asked, tilting his head mischievously.

"Never~" The peppermint regained his composure just enough so he could respond with a witty response.

The two boys locked eyes for a few seconds and then leaned in slowly. When suddenly,

"KATSUKI?! OH MY GOD! What are you doing here?" A voice called out.

They froze, turning their heads in the direction of the sound.

Bakugo's eyes widened, his ex from middle school was running towards them. Along with her little sister that Katsuki was slightly familiar with.

"Kara?" He asked once she was close enough.

"Yep! That's me!" Kara Zutomi, 17 years old, dated Bakugo for about 6 months in middle school before cheating on him with some random kid. Her quirk is Fire Manipulation, but she has very little control over it and her range is a little less than a mile. She claims to regret cheating and is still madly in love with the explosive blond. At the end of middle school Bakugo went to U.A and her family moved to France.

"And...Nari was it?"

"Hey." Nari Zutomi, 15 years old, had a crush on Bakugo for a little while before coming out as lesbian. Does not condone her older sister's actions. Her quirk is telekinesis but her limit is 50 lbs (23kg). She knows of her sister's lasting infatuation with Bakugo and disapproves. Moved to France with her family when her sister finished middle school.

"This is...a surprise." Katsuki was uncomfortable, he didn't want Shoto around his ex. Her sister was pretty chill though.

"Surprise? I told you we were moving to France silly! When you told me you got into UA! Which reminds me, why are you here? And who's your friend?" Kara asked pointing at Shoto.

"I'm on vacation and this is my friend Shoto Kazumi."

"Hi Shoto-kun!"

Bakugo glared at her.

"Kazumi-kun!" She corrected, twirling a lock of brown hair between her fingers.

Shoto does not respond, who was this girl? And how does she know Katsuki?

"Hey Kazumi. I'm Nari, nice to meet you." Nari holds out her hand to shake. Shoto nods and shakes her hand.

"Nice to meet you as well."

Kara has brown hair and green eyes whereas Nari has black hair and green eyes. In Kazumi's mind, Nari is the prettier sister.

"So how do you two know each other?" He asks.

"Ah well-" Kara interrupts the blond.

"We used to date! Not that long ago actually." She says enthusiastically.

'How is 5 years not that long ago?' Bakugo questions himself.

"Oh." Somehow this information deeply bothers the other boy.

"Why did you guys break up?"

"Well-" this time Katsuki was the one to cut her off.

"She cheated on me with some extra." He snarls, crossing his arms.

"Ah, I see." Kazumi says, that comforts him a bit. At least Bakugo won't be too inclined to rekindle their relationship.

"So are you guys hanging out? Or is it something else?" Nari asks. Bakugo catches on to what she is implying.

"We're hanging out. And would you look at the time we gotta go, his mom is expecting us to be home in 10. Great seeing you Nari,  have a nice afternoon. Kara, have the afternoon you deserve." Grabbing Shoto's hand he rushes out of the park.

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