Chapitre 21‼️

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The image was faint, but there.

Slowly however, another one started to take over.

The image of a girl with brown hair and green eyes.

Shoto saw how much fun Bakugo had with Kara. And he felt his heart shatter. He thought maybe he had a chance since they had broken up on bad terms.

But now, that chance was slowly slipping away from him.

Falling right into Kara's hands.

Nari noticed Kazumi's change in demeanor as well as the obvious cause of it. She loved her sister of course but she knew deep down that her and Bakugo were not meant to be.

At that moment she knew what she had to do.

"After this we can all hang out somewhere else, what do you guys think?" Katsuki asked, taking off his skates.

"Yeah definitely!" Kara's instant response made Shoto feel bad that he wasn't as enthusiastic when he responded to Katsuki.

"Sure! Sounds good!" A pathetic attempt to seem more interested but an attempt nonetheless.

"Halfie, mind if we go back to your place? We could watch a movie or something."

"Mhm! Definitely!" That attempt was slightly better.

/ / /

The group was watching an old movie called, His Girl Friday (a/n: I beg of you if you can PLEASE watch this movie it is so good)

Nari and Shoto sat on the floor whereas Kara and Katsuki sat on the couch. Unbeknownst to the peppermint boy, Kara had her head on the blond's shoulder.

She was determined to win Katsuki over once more.

At one point she got up to use the bathroom. When she came back, Kazumi stated that he was going to put his phone to charge.

When he entered his room, something felt off. As though something was missing. Plugging his phone in, he checked his drawers but everything seemed to be in the right place.

Brushing it off as paranoia since random people are in his house, he returned to the living room and finished the movie.

/ / /

About a week had gone by since their first hangout, and everyday since then Kara insisted on them doing something together.

Even though he was never formally invited, Katsuki made a point to always bring Shoto with him. This angered the brunette to no end.

One day while they were hanging out at a cafe, Bakugo's phone rang.


'Katsuki! Great news! The hurricane is moving further north, you can come back to Japan as soon as tomorrow!'


His eyes met green ones, she smiled at him.

'When's the earliest-'

His eyes met mismatched ones, he looked away.

'Actually, could I stay a little bit longer? So I can properly say goodbye to my friend and thank Rei for taking care of me?'

'Of course dear just let me know when to book your ticket back ok?'

'You got it hag. Love you.'

'I love you too Katsuki.'

He decided to not mention this to his friends, it wasn't important right now.

"How about we go for a walk in the park?" The blond asked. They all agreed.

They walked around for a bit in silence, Kara suddenly intertwined her and Bakugo's hands.

"Look! Ducks!" She pulled the blond along with her, he didn't pull his hand away.

The sight made Shoto want to cry. He realized his feelings towards Katsuki a long time ago. But made no move to let them be known.

"My sister's a bitch." Oh Nari was still here.


"She needs to learn that her and Blondie aren't meant to be. Though I'm sure she'll disagree with me."

Kazumi didn't answer, just watched sadly as the pair laughed and admired the cute ducks.

But this wasn't enough for Kara. She knew it would take more than that to fully erase the feelings Bakugo had for Shoto. She had to get her hands dirty. She needed to cause something so devastating Katsuk wouldn't be able to look at Shoto the same way ever again. But that would be difficult, she needed to fight fire with fire. Literally.

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