Chapter 11🎞️

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Entering the hospital he walked for a few moments before taking out his phone to use a translator.

Approaching the receptionist she smiled brightly at him and asked how she could help.

Typing it into the phone he showed her the translated phrase.

"Je cherche un patient, Shoto Kazumi. Il est arrivé avec sa mère il n'y a pas très longtemps." The woman nodded and typed the name into her computer, looking for his room number. (I'm looking for a patient, Shoto Kazumi. He arrived with his mom not too long ago.)

"308" Was the number provided. So he made his way to the 3rd floor.

Counting the doors he also made use of the signs hanging above them, showing the room number.


He knocked on the door and a woman's voice called out.

"C'est qui?" It sounded like Rei but in French. (Who is it?)

"It's Bakugo, I came to visit Shoto." He got no reply and the door was opened instead.

"Ah Bakugo, I was wondering when you'd show. I was worried you got into some kind of accident on the way here." She said, smiling softly.

"Nothing like that, just got caught up in getting a present for Shoto." He said, motioning to the bag.

Rei smiled wider and thanked him profusely, saying that he didn't need to get a gift. Katsuki dismissed this. He sat down on the chair next to the bed, seeing his friend in a deep sleep.

"Will he be alright?"

"Yes, the doctor said it was merely a concussion. He'll be up and running again soon, though I hope it's with caution this time." The blond laughed at her witty remark, and continued to admire the boy laying beside him.

"He looks like you." He remarked.

"Ah yes thank you, well one half of him at least. The purely his father. His attitude mimics neither of us though. He made it up himself." The white-haired woman replied.

"His left side looks familiar, I wonder who his father is...he mentioned that if he used his other quirk, the one inherited from your ex-husband, I'd know immediately." Bakugo explained.

"Is that so? You must be a hero-in-training then."

"Y-Yes! How did you know?"

"Because my ex-husband was one as well. And he became a top hero. But not number 1. Not until All Might retired. But soon after the trial happened, and his title was revoked. I'm sure you know who it is now."

"...Endeavor. It was Endeavor?! He...he did that to his own son?!" Sure Katsuki never admired the guy but he held at least some respect towards him. Now that respect was reduced to nothing more than a pile of dust that was swiftly swept under the rug.

"So then, he's a Todoroki? But I heard you were sent to a mental hospital." Quickly slapping a hand over his mouth as he realized how rude it was to say that to someone you just met.

"I was. But once Enji was arrested, I was released temporarily and was kept under surveillance, so I could take care of Shoto. And when he was found became a permanent release. Not long after we moved here, far away from it all." Standing up, Rei brushed her son's hair away from his eyes.

"I'm going to grab something to eat from the cafeteria, want me to bring something back for you?" She asked placing a hand on the door handle.

"No thank you."

"Alright, and Katsuki. Tell your mother I said hi." Before he could question what she meant, the door shut.

Pulling out his phone he called his mother.

"Katsuki, how are you dear?"

"I'm fine. I have to tell you something."

"Go on?"

"Does the name Rei Kazumi ring any bells for you?"

The phone went silent then,



"It's not bad at all!! I was just so surprised! We were roommates back in Highschool, she's the one who always made sure I did my homework and studied instead of going out. Last I heard she was in a hospital! Oh dear I hope she's doing better now."

"Small fucking world...anyways she wanted me to say hi to you, that's why I called."

"Do tell her to call me sometime, I still have her number saved in my phone!"

"Alright I will you old hag. Now I got to go. Bye."

"Love you Katsuki, bye."

Lost in Paris💋 (Book 1/2 Lost and Found)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن