Chapter 29🤍

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"What are you doing here?" Bakugo asked, bewildered.

"You see-" Shoto began but was cut off by Nari.

"Kara is a lying-ass bitch!"

The red-eyed male stared at the brunette, his doubts of her integrity bubbling up again.

"How so?"

"You have no proof!" Kara exclaimed, noticing neither of them had peppermint.

Shoto smirked.

"Alright then let's hear it."

"I can use my ice! And glide across the street! But you'll need to hold on tight...what do we do about peppermint?" Kazumi questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"I need both my hands to properly stabilize myself, and you need to hold onto me very well or you'll risk falling. Which means neither of us can hold him in our hands." The boy explained.

Nari thought for a moment.

"I got it!"

"Actually..." The two-toned boy started.

Nari's eyes went white, as she held out her hands. Peppermint was seen floating in the distance, until he eventually landed in the black-haired girl's hands. Her eyes resumed their normal green color.

"Perks of having telekinesis as a quirk~" She smiled, waving the plushie's hand.

Kara's face paled. Bakugo's contorted in shock.

"But I thought you said....I thought you said Shoto threw him out." Katsuki's anger was barely being contained.

"H-He did! I swear! He must've dug it out just to use it against me!" She defended.

"No that's not possible...I helped Rei take out the trash the other day...he wouldn't have been able to."

"'s not...I-I-" She couldn't come up with an excuse. Bakugo's anger went through the roof.

"You...YOU BITCH! You ruined my friendship with Shoto for what?!"

"YOU KNOW WHY! After you broke up with me, I couldn't move when I saw you at the park I thought I could convince you to fall in love with me again! But HE took you away from me! I saw how you looked at him, how you treated him...I knew your relationship was not so easily disturbed by any usual trick. So I had to get creative..."

"Hey Kazumi, who's this?" Nari asked, pointing at the red and white bunny.

"Ah! That's peppermint, Katsuki bought him for me when I was in the hospital. He's precious to me." Nari could see the fondness Shoto held in his eyes for the blond.

"That's sweet." She said, caressing the soft fur of the plush toy.

"I could tell Kazumi cared a lot about the stupid toy. And Katsuki would be devastated if he learned Kazumi didn't actually like it."

"I'm going to use the bathroom, I'll be back." Kara stood up, leaving the group watching the movie.

She took a sharp turn across the bathroom door. Entering the boy's room. Her eyes scanned the space and she smirked when they landed on the stuffed rabbit.

Grabbing it and shoving it into her bag that she intentionally left in the room before watching the movie.

"So I took it. In the hopes that whatever you guys had going on would be ruined and Katsuki would fall for me again. And it worked! Until you chose to get involved!" Kara glared at her little sister.

"Yikes. Sucks for you bro." The youngest of the group said. Kara huffed and crossed her arms. Suddenly she felt her hair being yanked upwards.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL?!" But unlike what she thought was happening, Katsuki being the culprit, she was face to face with two different colored eyes. Shoto.

"Listen here, if you try to bother Katsuki one more time god forbid I hear about it because I will not hesitate to rip your greasy hair right off your ugly-ass head." He spat shoving her away.

The green-eyed girl was left speechless before grabbing her luggage and running away. Nari sighed, and rubbed her temples.

"Well I guess this is where I leave you. Bakugo it was great seeing you again, Kazumi it was a pleasure meeting you. I once again apologize for my irrational sister's actions. Later!" And just like that the girl sprinted after her heart-broken sister.

Leaving the boys alone.

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