Chapter 28🚕

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Regardless, an indisputable fact still remained, he really, truly, loved that boy.

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Today was the day.

The day he would leave the city that held so many memories, even though the trip was unplanned it ended up being one of the best in his life.

Bakugo was upset that things badly ended between him and Shoto, but he was convinced that there was nothing he could do.

He learned through Rei that Shoto's flight was the next week, and he would live in a different city. Hence keeping the distance between the two.

Bakugo was waiting for a taxi. Rei had to work and apologized profusely for not being able to send him off properly. Katsuki didn't mind, it was better this way.

He hadn't seen Kazumi that whole morning, assuming he was still in his bed sleeping.

The taxi pulled up, and the driver got out to help the blond with his luggage. Kara would meet him at the airport.

Just as he was about to get in the vehicle, a voice called out to him.

"BAKUGO!" He turned around, seeing an out of breath peppermint-head.

"Icy." The older replied.

"I-I overslept, I'm sorry." 'Why was he apologizing?' Bakugo wondered

"It's ok. I was just about to leave. I'll be out of your hair now."

"I know; that's why I'm here, I wanted to say goodbye." Katsuki's eyes widened, he hadn't expected that.

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

Silence overcame them, what else was there to say? Kazumi took the hint and started to turn back.

"Actually um...Shoto...I wanted to tell you something..." 'What am I doing?!' The blond yelled at himself internally.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"I-I...lo-I'm sorry..." He cut himself off, chickening out at the last second. Deciding an apology was better suited in that moment.

"For?" 'Stupid! You know why!" Shoto cursed himself for being dumb.

"Everything." Bakugo said simply.

The silence returned and this time when Kazumi went to leave, no one stopped him. Only the sound of a car driving off caused him to look back for an instant.

Sighing, tears pricked his eyes as he did his best to hold them back.

"KAZUMI!!!" A familiar voice cried out, footsteps were heard rushing towards him.

Shoto turned his head and saw Nari running full speed, holding...peppermint?

"Peppermint? Uh- Nari, what's going on? Why do you have peppermint?" He asked, the girl handed the plushie over to its rightful owner.

Panting lightly she explained.

"Kara stole him from you. And she said she did It to destroy whatever relationship you and Bakugo had. I don't know if that's all she said, but I know she spread rumors about you to him." The boy was shook.

" that why Bakugo was so mad?" Everything started to make sense, like puzzle pieces fitting together.

"I suppose so. Unless something else happened?"

"No! Nothing happened! This changes everything! Oh my god I'm such an idiot! And now, I'll probably never see him again!" Shoto was panicking, now that he knew the truth he needed to talk with Katsuki. But they just missed him, if only Nari had arrived a minute earlier...This wasn't her fault though. Now they needed a plan.

"I have to get to the airport." He said.

"What? Um ok, call a taxi then! Or is your mom home?" The black-haired girl suggested.

"Taxi would take too long, and my mom is at work...shit shit shit...I GOT IT!" He yelled, causing Nari to jump a little.

"Alright then let's hear it."

/ / /

The taxi pulled up to the airport. Bakugo handed him 40€ and took his bags out of the trunk. In the distance he spotted a brunette he knew all too well.

"Yo! Kara!" He called out to her. She smiled and ran to him.

"Katsuki! You made it! Ok, let's go check-in, we have about 2 hours before the flight." She grabbed his arm and they started to make their way inside the airport.

They were barely through the door when the air started to get cold. The pair looked at each other in confusion, and turned around.





Lost in Paris💋 (Book 1/2 Lost and Found)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें