Chapitre 7.5🌌

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Bakugo showed up to the restaurant circa 6:20 and waited for the pretty boy and his mom to show up. Spotting a head of red and white hair he smiled, waving at the boy who excitedly waved back. A woman followed behind him, she held herself proudly and he had to admit that he could tell where Shoto got his good looks.

"Hey!" Called out Bakugo once they were in earshot.

"Bakugo!" Replied Kazumi giving the older a quick hug.

"Good evening Miss Kazumi, I'm Bakugo Katsuki it's a pleasure to meet you." He said shaking her hand.

"Oh no the pleasure is all mine Bakugo. You can call me Rei, Shoto here has told me so many good things about you!" Rei explained, intertwining her hand with her sons.

"Mommmmm" Kazumi whined upset his mother would willingly expose him like that.

"Hush Shoto I'm happy to see you're making friends. Ah yes, he told me you were on a school trip and got erm...left behind? Is that the right way of putting it?" Rei asked, worried she would offend the blond male.

"Yeah you could say that, it's a complicated situation but until I can go back to Japan I'm staying at a hotel. The estimate for how long I'll be here is around a month a so." Bakugo explained opening the door for the mother-son duo.

"Oh! Well I know this might be sudden but, Hotels here are ridiculously expensive, when we first moved here we didn't have a house you see and I almost went broke just because of the nightly costs for a small room! So, would you like to stay with us? You are under no obligation to! But we have a spare room and Shoto's on break right now, I have work and I fear he'll get lonely..." The white-haired woman trailed off, visibly worried for her son's mental state.

"Are you sure? I mean, wouldn't I be intruding?" Asked Bakugo, sitting down next to Shoto.

"No not at all!" The Kazumi's exclaimed in unison.

"Well then I'd love to!"

[Fun Facts About France™️: Hotels are expensive. That's about it.]

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