Chapitre 27💐

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"Care to explain?"

Kara froze, not realizing her sister knew the whole time.

"U-Uh...Kazumi g-gave him to me! A-As a gift!" She said the first excuse that came to mind. Nari gave her a look that said 'be fucking for real or I'll clock you in the jaw' and that was the truth (fun fact about Nari, she does boxing twice a week)

"Ugh fine! I stole him! So what? Not like that peppermint haired bitch will need him after I ruin whatever's going on between them! I did him a favor by taking it early on." She smirked.

"What is wrong with you?! Can't you see how badly you're hurting this poor boy? Mom told us Ms. Kazumi and him had a really rough past. And you choose to be a fucking asshole? I thought you were better than this Kara. I guess I was wrong, you're nothing but a self-absorbed, entitled, spoiled, pretentious, bitch." Nari grabbed the bunny and ran out of the room.

Kara gasped and chased after her, knowing where her sister was headed.

/ / /

Bakugo was now back in 'his' room, this was probably the last time he'd be in this room. Seeing as Shoto was also moving to Japan. He did feel bad though, being forced to take your abuser's last name in order to inherit something that is rightfully yours is horrible, and unfair.

There are so many things Bakugo wants to understand, but he can't. All because he doesn't want to hear the other out. Curse him and his enormous ego.

Katsuki eventually decided that he'd leave with Kara, then once in Japan he'll ask her about everything. Causing a huge mess right before his flight is not something he needed right now.

He heard aggressive knocking on the front door, followed by the muffled sounds of arguing.

The blond stood up, confused as to what was going on.

Shoto's door opened, Bakugo paused wondering if he should go and investigate anyways. 'Oh what the hell...'

He found himself right behind the younger as they both went to open the door.

But when they did, no one was there.

"The fuck? What was that all about?" Maybe it was stupid to try and start a conversation but it was worth a shot.

"I don't know. Maybe they got the wrong apartment." Ok progress, they spoke to each other without it arguing, that was good wasn't it?

"Yeah you're probably right."

Kazumi didn't respond and returned to the safety of his bedroom.

Katsuki sighed, he really didn't want to leave on bad terms but if Shoto wasn't making an effort than why should he?

This entire fiasco was giving him a migraine. Rei was at work, so Shoto and him were alone in the house.

He still couldn't believe the other was in love with him. And he managed to fuck it up. There's no way a relationship was possible between the two after all that.

He wished he'd never agreed to go to the ice skating rink that day. Maybe then things would be different.

But Bakugo was sick of this fighting.

He marched over to the room right next to his.

Knocking softly on the door he received no answer. So he tried again. Nothing. He pushed the door a bit and found that it was unlocked. Stepping into the room he saw Kazumi, sleeping on his bed, clutched tightly against his chest was that little puppy he had won at the fair.

'How cute...' Thought the blond. He knew it was wrong, he knew they weren't exactly friends anymore.

Regardless, an indisputable fact still remained, he really, truly, loved that boy.

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