Chapitre 5.5🌺

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The two boys chatted for hours, making jokes, telling each other embarrassing childhood stories, Shoto occasionally teaching the blond a french word or two. They were happy. 

Suddenly, a phone rang.

"Oh forgive me I have to take this." mumbled Kazumi, as he read the caller I.D. 

"Yeah sure no prob." replied Bakugo. As the younger went outside to answer the call, the blond sat in his chair waiting.

'Can't believe someone as sweet as him was stuck with such a bastard father...he didn't do anything to deserve that...getting abused and raped what the FUCK!' With each passing moment Katsuki grew more and more upset at what the other had gone through. 

Then suddenly a loud crash was heard. Peaking through the window Bakugo saw the bi-colored male also looking around confused, he watched as the other walked up to a citizen and asked, or what he assumed the other asked, what was going on. 

The blond was going to go outside as well but another huge crash was heard. Hero instincts kicking in, the red-eyed male rushed outside and saw a group of villains. Other parts of the worlds were struggling with the rise of villains as well, and  France was no exception. Hurrying into action Bakugo blasted a bunch of them apart, that way they would be alone and easier to fight off. 

But even with that strategy, there were too many for him to fight off. Bakugo started feeling tired and he could tell he wasn't going to win if he kept this up. 

Just as he sent another huge explosion, causing a wave of fatigue to fall over him, he saw a villain with very sharp claws about to pounce at him. He closed his eyes and tense his muscles in apprehension of the pain but...nothing came. Opening his eyes slowly he saw a huge ice wall separating him and the rest of the villains. Brows furrowed he walked around it and saw...

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