Chapter 13🎠

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Shoto was discharged a few hours ago. Now the family (+Bakugo) were at home, watching a movie. Rei said she was tired and went to bed. The two boys decided that it was a better idea to watch the movie in Shoto's room in case they fell asleep.

"I love scary movies." Whispered Shoto as the main character found a place to hide in the attic. (A/N: Yes in this book Shoto likes horror movies. He does not need anyone to protect him😘)

Katsuki grinned.

"Same. My friends are such pussies though, they always scream at the slightest jump-scare. It's kinda pathetic if you ask me.

Kazumi shook his head at the crude language.

He repositioned his body so that he was halfway laying against Bakugo's chest. Katsuki hoped he wouldn't hear how fast his heart was beating.

Before long, the peppermint fell asleep. Still snuggled against the blond. The other didn't dare move. Not wanting to risk the peace of his friend.

Why was he so protective over him? it's not like they were together or anything. In fact they literally just met. You shouldn't feel this way about someone you just met. Anna from Frozen is a good example of that.

But still.

'How can one person be so perfect? It's not normal. Shoto was everything you could want in a guy, handsome but not arrogant, smart but not cocky, eloquent but not pretentious. God what is this feeling?'


'no no no'

'I can't like him.'

'It's too early.'

'No, I just find him attractive. That's normal. Like how I can find a celebrity hot but I'm not in love with them. Yeah it's the same thing.'

He yawned, struggling to keep his eyes open.

The last thing he saw before he fell asleep was the angelic sleeping face of Shoto Kazumi.

/ / /

Sun rays filtered through the blinds. Bothering the sleeping pair. Shoto woke up first, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He went to get out of the bed but something held him back. An arm.


He followed the arm back to its owner. None other than Bakugo Katsuki.


"Hmm? Did you say something..." Mumbled the blond, stirring in his half-asleep state.

"No no. I didn't say anything." Unlocking his phone, Shoto saw that it was just half-past 9.

"We should get up. My mom probably already made breakfast." He said. Once again trying to move, this time the arm held him tighter.

"Mmm noooo five more minutes." Whined the sleepy boi.

"Katsuki. Fine at least let me go." That seemed to wake Bakugo up completely as he tried to understand what Shoto meant by that. It was only until he felt himself holding something that he realized what was happening.

"Fuck sorry, didn't realize." The red-eyed male quickly stood up and headed to his room. Leaving Kazumi alone in bed.

'What was that about?' He thought.

/ / /

The pair made it downstairs at the same time, but avoided eye contact. The morning's events all too present in their minds. Rei could sense some uneasiness between them but held her tongue. Her son would tell her if he wanted to.

They ate in silence, the boys sitting at opposite ends of the table with Rei in the middle. She eventually decide that enough was enough.

"You boys should go to the Jardin D'acclimatation. It's open now. It'll be fun! Don't you think Shoto?" She suggested, smiling.

Bakugo tilted his head, not understanding what that was.

"Eh sure. Bakugo, wanna go to an amusement park?" Kazumi said lazily.

"Uhh yeah why not?" He agreed, mainly because he didn't want to be rude.

"Lovely! I'll drop you two off after breakfast" she exclaimed bringing her plate into the kitchen.

/ / /

Now they were standing in front of the entrance to the amusement park. Rei handed them both 100 euros.

"An unlimited pass is 40 per person so you'll have 60 each to spend on snacks and souvenirs, alright? And Shoto you have your card for emergencies. Don't talk to strangers and always stay together." Even though her son was 17 she still worried as though he was 7.

"Yes mama, I will." She hugged her son and patted Katsuki on the shoulder.

"Have fun you guys, text me when you're ready to come home." She got back in the car, and drove off.

"Let's go then."

Lost in Paris💋 (Book 1/2 Lost and Found)Where stories live. Discover now