Chapitre 18🦢

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Bakugo woke up bright and early, he was excited to prove to that peppermint-haired bastard who was really the best at ice-skating.

He got dressed in something simple yet warm, falling on the ice is not a pleasant feeling when you're wearing thin clothes.

"Oi daddy issues, you awake?" he knocked on the door a few times. A faint 'Hold on' was heard from inside the room.

Shoto opened the door, he was still in his pyjamas. A loose white t-shirt that fell off his left shoulder, and some baby blue shorts that could barely be seen. Along with some sage green fluffy socks.

"Do you know what time it is?" The younger asked, leaning on his doorframe.

"Time for you to get your ass up." Bakugo responded, not wanting to admit he didn't check the time before barging over.

"Right, because everyone in their right mind gets their ass up at 6:12 in the morning while on vacation. Totally, you're so right Bakugo." He glared, shoving his phone in Katsuki's face which displayed the time.

"I always am halfie, I always am." His pride was definitely showing now.

"Come get me in like 3 hours, I'll be awake and ready by then." The door was promptly slammed, leaving a stunned blond.


Bakugo did feel slightly bad now knowing he bothered his friend that early, but he wouldn't show it. He walked back into his own room, throwing himself onto the bed. He lay there for a few moments before deciding to watch some anime on his phone. He decided to continue one he had been watching, 'Komi can't communicate.' He found that the main character, Komi, resembled Shoto in some aspects. Got very anxious in social settings, few friends, is pretty popular (from what he's heard), didn't often partake in conversations if ever, was insanely beautiful- Wait. No not again!


He groaned into his pillow, his head now filled with thoughts of Shoto in differing scenarios. From going to a cafe with him, to being on a ferris wheel, watching fireworks together, cuddling under the stars- No this was definitely not okay.

'Ugh, I can't keep denying it!'

'I...I like Shoto.'

If you pressed you ear against the door and listened very closely you could faintly hear the muffled 'FUCKKKKKKKKKKK' that came from inside the room. The pillow containing the sound was promptly thrown against said door.

'Tch fine so what if I do? Can't really blame me now can you?'

He resumed his show. This time, he allowed thoughts of Shoto to pop in now and again. Blushing when more...intimate scenes came to mind.

The three hours passed and he rushed to go get Kazumi.

"Yeah yeah I'm ready." The peppermint said, opening his room door.

"Good. Now let's go!" Katsuki rushed down the hall, in a similar manner that Shoto had when he fell.

"Good morning boys!" Called out Rei once they were in the living room.

"Morning Rei."

"Good morning Mom!" Kazumi gave his mother a hug when she appeared from inside the kitchen.

"Now then, I know you're both very excited to go ice skating. Originally the plan was to pick up my friend and her kids before heading over there. But to save time, I invited them over for breakfast! Is that alright?" She smiled.



"Wonderful, they'll be here soon. Shoto I trust you will do your best to be friendly with the girls alright? I heard that one is your age! The other is a bit younger but do make sure they both feel welcome." Rei instructed.

"You got it boss!" Katsuki chuckled at his adorableness.

The doorbell rung not long after, Kazumi rushed to open it.

"Hi! Nice to meet you I'm..." His voice trailed off as his eyes widened in recognition.

"Shoto! Right?" He knew that voice, it was-


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