Chapter 12🥐

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Rei returned with some coffee and a croissant. They discussed all kinds of things while waiting for Shoto to wake up.

The day went by, and then the sky was riddled with stars. Bakugo yawned, reclining in his seat.

"You know if you're tired, you can go back home and sleep. I was planning on staying the night with him anyways." She said, holding her son's cold hand.

"Not a chance. This chair is comfortable as fuck." He stated, crossing his arms.

She laughed at his childishness. Following his lead she reclined a bit as well.

"I spoke to my mother." Katsuki said out of the blue.

"How is she?"

"The old hag? She's as annoying as ever."

"Don't call your mom a hag."

"Hm?" Bakugo looked up at Rei, who shook her head.

"I didn't say anything."

They both looked down at the previously immobile boy. Who was sitting upright, running a hand through his multi-colored hair.

"Don't call her annoying either. She cares about you." Kazumi said.

"Shoto! Oh my goodness you had me worried sick!" The mother scolded her son.

"Glad you're ok Halfie. Turns out, our moms are old friends from college. Did you know that?"

"Ah, yes. My mother mentioned her a few times before I met you. Mitsuki was her name?" The peppermint inquired.

"You got it. That's my ol- mom. That's my mom." He corrected, after glancing at Shoto's angered expression.

"Honey, you should eat something. I'll be back." The woman left, leaving the two boys alone in the room.

"What's in the bag?" The question startled the blond, who was lost in thought.

"Something for you...I know it's cheesy reminded me of you when I saw it..." Bakugo mumbled. Rummaging through the paper bag he handed the stuffie to the excited Kazumi who eagerly inspected all of its aspects.

"It's so cute!! I love it! Thank you Bakugo!" He exclaimed smiling a smile so bright it could rival the sun. And for just a moment, the red-eyed male felt his heart skip a beat.

"What should I name it?"


"Huh? Why that?"

"Cause it looks like you and you look like a peppermint." Katsuki replied like it was common sense.

"I like it."

"You better." The other sneered. Deep down he was happy Shoto accepted his name choice.

Rei returned with a sandwich and some water. Silence overcame the group as Kazumi ate. Not liking the silence Bakugo stood up.

"Well since you're awake I should go get a doctor."

Rei stood up as well.

"I'll go. You keep him company." Without giving him a chance to protest she left the room once more.

Sighing, he sat back down. Feeling eyes on him he saw Shoto staring at him intently, Peppermint's head was positioned in such a way that it looked as though he was staring too.

"What's up with you two?"

"We're observing you." Using his hand, he made Peppermint's head nod in confirmation.

"Ah I see. Why?"

Lowering his head, Kazumi whispered something in the stuffed animal's ear.

"Peppermint finds it best if we don't tell you."

In response the blond glared at the toy.

"Who gives a fuck what he thinks? You're your own person. Peppermint shouldn't make decisions for you." He seemed to forget that he is arguing with a literal doll.

"No can do." The red and white haired male shrugged.

"Listen here you little shit, you tell daddy issues over here to tell me why you guys were observing me or I swear I will rip out those beady eyes of yours." He threatened putting himself at an equal level with the bunny.

Stifling a chuckle Kazumi gasped dramatically clutching the stuffie tightly against his chest.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

Just then the door opened. Pretending everything was fine Bakugo struck up a conversation about food.

"So what's the difference between a chocolate croissant and a pain au chocolat as French people say? I've been told they can be different."

Before Shoto got a chance to respond, his mother interrupted.

"Sorry for disturbing your conversation dear but the doctor has to examine you. Bakugo would you mind coming with me?"

The two left the room.

"What were you talking about?" She asked.

"Nothing interesting Just about food and the weather and stuff."

"I know to you it may seem trivial but, Shoto isn't usually this talkative. I don't know what you're doing but please keep it up." She bowed.

Bakugo stayed quiet, simply nodding.

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