Chapitre 15🌷

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Now the pair were making their way to the swings Shoto was so desperate to go on. Bakugo seemed skeptical.

"You sure this thing is safe Halfie?" He asked. 

"What? Don't tell me you're scared~" Kazumi teased, smirking at the other.

Katsuki's eyes narrowed, "Not a chance." 

They raced to the booth where the operator scanned their passes. The whole time they were bickering about who would survive if the chains suddenly gave out.

"My quirk would save me, I could make an ice slide!"

"Yeah but you'd be frozen in shock. I'm used to being propelled into the air like that." Katsuki said. Arriving at the booth the woman there gave them a bright smile.

"Vous etes tellement mignons!" She exclaimed, scanning the bracelets. (You guys are so cute!)

"Ah merci beaucoup madame!" responded Shoto, oblivious to what she actually meant. (Oh thank you so much ma'am!)

"What'd she say?" Bakugo asked, sitting on one of the swings. Shoto sat on the one infront of him. 

"She thought we were cute! How sweet!" Katsuki thanked whatever gods were out there for making his friend this oblivious. It was clear that she meant they were a cute couple but he wasn't going to tell him that.

"Yeah, real sweet." 

The ride started and Shoto swore he had never had this much fun before. It was nothing like anything he'd ever experienced as a child. 

Katsuki admitted that it was in fact very enjoyable. 

When it was over Kazumi of course wanted to do it again. This time they sat in the seats that could hold two people. 

The seats were made for children so they didn't have much room to move around. Their bodies were pressed up against each other. The younger was too ecstatic to realize. The older on the other hand was exclusively thinking about that fact. 

'This is sooooo fun!'

'Our legs are touchingggggggg'

Funny isn't it? 

When the second turn ended, they decided to grab something to eat before continuing. Shoto wanted something sweet but Katsuki insisted he get real food first. So now he was pouting like a child.

"Come on Icyhot, don't be like that!" 

"Icyhot? But I didn't tell you..." 

That was when Bakugo realized he fucked up. 

"You didn't tell me, your mom did. I kinda assumed your other quirk was fire or something heat related..." Kazumi didn't say anything. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't call you that." 

"No don't apologize it's not your fault, my mom shouldn't have told you." 

"I never liked Endeavor anyways, don't worry about it." 

"You don't resent me for having him as a dad?" Shoto asked.

"Not at all. You can't help it." He placed his hand on the peppermint's shoulder. 

"Yeah I guess you're right." 

"I always am." Now they were laughing.

"Whatever you say!"

"What's the supposed to mean huh?!" 

"It means maybe you can be a bit overconfident in your words and actions..."

"Oh yeah? How's this for confident?" And without warning, he...


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