Chaper 4

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I looked back at Cooper, and he looked pretty pissed. I ran towards his bakery before he locked the doors,

" WHO is that and how do you know him? " I ask Cooper.

" He's an old friend of mine.. In our old town. I guess he figured out where I lived. But don't T-'' Says Cooper before someone cuts him

" OI MY OLD FRIEND COOPS! YO MATE!! " Said the mysterious man. I giggled.

Cooper got all red.

" Oh my.. Who's this pretty lady you got Coop? " Said the mysterious man taking my hand to kiss it, I slipped my hand out in time and I told my name

" Joy, Joy Budski, The princess of this village. "

" Enchanté.." Said the guy with a grin.

" What're you doing here Luke? ''said Cooper with jealousy.

"No reason Coop.. just visiting.." Said Luke while death staring Cooper.

I felt bad energy between them.

I stopped Cooper from staring at Luke with a kiss on the cheek, he got all red and wished me luck with archery. Luke seemed frustrated for an odd reason. I walked out in confusion but ignored it. Once I arrived in the forest all my archery things went missing, I started to panic until I found a box, I opened it and a new archery pair..

It had a note from Cooper

" After the battle your bow and arrow broke and I felt bad, so with the money of the bakery we got you a new one " I smiled so hard after reading the letter and got my bow out,

"How cute.." Said Luke, I asked him what he's doing here.

He said he just wants to see me do some archery, I saw nothing wrong with it at the time so I agreed. I was walking around until he pulled me and pinned me on a tree, he tried making a move on me until I heard a yell.

Cooper was in the corner watching us, Luke stopped instantly after realizing the mistake he made, Cooper walked down and asked why Luke was in a mood, Luke didn't even have time to explain before Cooper punched him in the face. I gasped and pulled Cooper off of Luke,

" THE HELL COOPER? " I yelled not realizing what was happening,

Cooper's eyes widened and he walked away, I helped Luke up and blinked and completely blacked out for a millisecond, something doesn't feel right. I rubbed my head and started walking back to the castle, my mom greeted me at the door with a massive hug, I walked beside her and headed to my room. I honestly felt bad but I had à massive headache..

Once I arrived in my room Cooper was waiting there, he saw I felt sick so he pulled me in and hugged me, we started to cuddle in bed then I fell asleep, a couple hours later I woke up from a massive bang, I got up and walked over to the castles living room, I saw a mysterious man in a cloak and I yelled for him to stop running, I chased and he disappeared of the window with my crown, I yelled and woke up in pure sweat with Cooper on the other side of the bed, he stayed over night. I decided to get fresh air outside, so I went to the front of the castle and sat on the steps till I saw a reflection. I walked towards it and it turns out it's my Crown. I looked in shock and looked at the note and it said

" I'm back." I gasped and looked at the sky..

I noticed the moon was changing and ran straight to the library. I opened the doors and went to the restricted area to get some books about the moon. I saw this one book that caught my eye. I reached up the shelf and retrieved it. I read about it for 10 minutes and sneaked it in my bag, I walked back to the castle and went to bed till the next morning.

I saw Cooper laying there peacefully so I joined him but I wasn't able to sleep ever since finding my crown.. In the morning I decided to go into the dungeons to see Coral after a year. But once I arrived she wasn't there, she figured a way out.. I ran to the guards to tell them but they seemed not fazed, they looked hypnotized... I found that really weird and mysterious, I clapped my hands and it's like they forgot everything or at least didn't realize anything happened. I directed them back to their dorms in the castle for them to get some rest. I rang in new guards to make sure nothing happened in the castle, I ran straight to my room and laid my book on my table then fell back asleep.

It was morning, I woke up to Cooper sitting at the end of my bed, he looked very hyper.

" Morning! Oh my.. Joy did you even get any sleep? You look so tired.." he said with a worried smile.

I explained everything that happened and I told him about Coral and he told me more about Luke.

" He likes Chemistry.. He loves to test things on people for fun, that used to be our little game until he made a potion that ended up melting someone into ashes, that's when I told him to stop playing and it created a massive argument.. The next day I moved and ever since then I never got back in contact with him. " Says Cooper with a frown. I recomforted him after and we decided to head down to the village.

We got to the bakery and saw these fairies waiting for us

" Oh my majesty... There's an evil entity in the forest killing and destroying all villages.. We don't know what it is or who it is, all we know is that it's a black figure jumping from tree to tree... " Says the fairy in tears, I ask them how they destroy the villages?

" The shadow jumper destroys the village with this weird powder.. It's pink mixed with yellow and all I remember is having à dream then a nightmare that the village was on fire and then I woke up and everything was gone... " I looked back at Cooper.

"Droozing dust" we said at the same time.

We looked back at the fairies and told them about our plan. I ran back to the castle to grab my bow and arrow and everything I needed to survive. I got into my war outfit and grabbed my bag. I looked back at the book, I sighted and grabbed my book and sneaked it in the bag. I ran straight to the bakery and told Cooper's mom to tell my mom I'm fine, I grabbed Cooper and we started to run towards the forest with the fairies by our side, Luke was missing and same with Coral. We're screwed.

Once we arrived at the tiny fairy village we started to investigate, I found some leftover powder and I put it in my bag. I walked over to Cooper and grabbed his hand and put some powder in, I made him feel it with his hands and I asked if this is what he used, He agreed but he said there was another kind of powder mixed with it, He told me to put it back in my bag and we started to walk away, We got to the fairy camp ground and put up our tent for the night. I stayed in my tent all night looking at the dust, I do agree with Cooper. It looked a little blue tinted in pure light, I turned off my light and went to bed, I woke up around 3 hours later and saw Cooper was laying down sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled. I crawled out of my tent with my book and climbed a tree, I opened the book and started to read, weird.. It says

" When the moon shines on a saturday night, one shall die and it'll be a sight." As I read that I looked at the moon which went purple for a second, I gasped and lost balance and fell off the tree. I got knocked out.

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