Chapter 8

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I ran directly back into my room trying to find the book, I checked under my bed in a rush, in my closet, in my desk and nothing. I was losing hope until I heard a voice.

" Looking for this ? " Says Cleo sitting on my closet holding my book.

She jumps down and slowly walks towards me, I back up.

" It's for all the right reasons, Joy.. I know I'm young but my mind is well beyond my years. If this book is so special, why is it a secret? You're not ruining this for me. " She throws me the book and walks out of the room.

I pulled open the book and saw there was a new page. It was all about spirits and curses. I started to read until my mom called us down for dinner. I grabbed the book and put it under my bed and ran downstairs. As I got to the dining room Cooper and the family was there, I looked confused but I ignored it and sat down beside Cooper, my mom yelled at me and directed me beside Luke and Cleo sat beside Cooper. I was confused but ignored it. My mom sat up and made a toast.

" TO CLEO AND COOPER ! " She says while everyone claps I slam the table and yell

" WHAT ?" Cleo stood up and explained.

" Well, Cooper and I are getting married." I start to cry and run straight to my room.

Luke walks in as I'm under my covers crying.

" People gonna say, If you need a break, someone'll take your place, People gonna try, to tell you that you're fine with dollars in their eyes but just remember Don't let them fuck you, honey, Don't let them try, Don't let them hurt you, you don't need him, he threw you under the bus. " He says while closing his eyes, I jump into his arms and hug him.

" I don't give à duck about him anyway! I don't give a fuck about him anyways Whoever said I gave a shit 'about him is wrong. I was just à play date to him " I said in anger.

I sat up and hugged Luke once again, I heard a branch snap outside my window, as I ran towards my window I saw nothing but a cloaked figure running away from the castle. We decided to go back to supper, as we walked towards the dining room I saw the cloaked figure once again, I told Luke to stop and ran towards the figure. I chased the figure throughout the castle, the cloaked figure stopped and throwed droozing powder on me. As I woke up in the DR at the end of the room there was my bow and arrow, I walked towards it and grabbed it. I felt so much comfort after holding it. It brought me to the field and as I turned my back around I saw the moon and the village but something was off..

I woke up in Luke's hands with ice on my head.

" Are you okay ?!? " He says in a worried voice...

I explain everything that happened and he decides that I should rest for the night. He brings me towards my room and lays me down on the bed. He wished me a good night's sleep and walked out my room , closing my door, I wasn't able to sleep just yet...

I waited a couple hours for everyone to go to sleep, as it was 1 am I walked out my room and sneaked by, I heard talking and ran towards it, I listened.

" It's working sir... soon enough she's going to be with you.. "

I gasped and saw them turn around, they start to walk towards me until I open my eyes to Cleo walking past me, seeming like she doesn't see me. I got confused until I heard breathing behind me, I turned my back around to see Luke all red as my body was against him.

I gasp but he covers my mouth before she turns around, we wait till she leaves the room and as she leaves he doesn't let go of me. I licked his palm and he let go of me and whatever covered us,

" EW " He said while whipping his hand on his pants.

" How didn't she see me ? " I ask in confusion,

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