Chapter 20

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Once we arrive at the river near us and he instantly takes off his shirt.

"Cmon princess, I know you can't resist, " He says winking.

I instantly come back and he jumps in.

" C'mon. " He says.

" Nuh huh I ain't going in a bra and underwear for you, in the same WATER. " I say turning around.

I hear bubbles and as I turn around he's gone, I freak out and instantly take off my clothing and jump in hoping to grab him before he drowns, the more I freak out the more the bubbles disappear.

I felt something touch my legs and I took my last breath before getting dragged underwater. I open my eyes to this seaweed bringing us down under, I freak out as I see Jack struggling to fight back, I focus as I see this blue light, my wings are a beautiful light blue colour, weird not gold?. I cut the seaweed and instantly swam to Jack, I made a breath bubble around him as I freak out to swim out. I fly out before the seaweed catches us. Thank god I made it out, I laid him in the sand and tried giving him CPR.

His heart stopped beating and mouth to mouth was the last option. As I laid my mouth onto his, this gold light shined in his chest. He took a massive breath as I cried sitting beside him. He coughed up some water so I sat him up, I gave him an instant hug "I thought I lost you" I said not letting go.

" I promise, I'll never leave you." He said hugging me back, I closed my eyes with a smile. I realized he could be cold so I grabbed my hoodie and instantly wrapped him up.

" Thank you.. You're all warm" he says. Huh? What did he say?

"Pardon?" I say in confusion. " You're wings Joy, they're warming me up" He says taking a deep breath.

I gasp as I look behind me to see my wings a flaming hot red. It felt warm to the touch but yet I didn't feel it. My wing's are so weird. I smile as I stand up.

" Let's go back to the castle." I say, I help him up and we start slowly walking.. This will take forever..

14 hours later..

We finally arrived at the castle.. I open the door to Luke jumping at the door to my arms.

" I thought I did something wrong! " He says, hugging me. I hug back.

" Excuse me. " Jack says, looking at us with a judgemental look.

" Oh right sorry, Luke warmed him up I need to do something" I say passing Jack towards Luke.

As they look at me I start backing up and walking towards the forest. I pull out the address out of my pockets and I start my Journey.

The more I looked at the address the less it made sense, It was an address I've never seen before. The more I looked at It, I realized I've never been there. As I turned the page to look again there was a note. But, how? I was alone.. The note read

"As the field is dry the outside is fresh, there's a new world you've never seen before, but be careful, it gets confusing."

"Huh?" I tell myself in confusion,

"what the he- OMG I KNOW WHERE" I yell as I start to run back to the castle.

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