Chapter 25

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Two minutes later we went inside, I headed towards my room and the boys were holding hands. It was sooo funny. Faun drops me off at my room, she gives me a hug goodnight and heads towards Cooper's house. It's precious how Cooper is finally happy. I wasn't able to sleep all night, I had too much on my mind. I wanted to walk a bit to clear my mind. I sneak out my window and slow walk in the village.. It felt so quiet and calm and it creeped me out, it was too quiet. I slowly walked towards the field, the feeling and energy of the field was an energy no one has ever felt. I walked closer to the entrance to see a shadow in the distance.

" Hello?" I yell. I walk towards the distance as they reach their arms towards me. I reached back until someone pulled me back.

" JOY DON'T " Yells Jinx.

" Oh hi Jinx! " I say waving at her.

" That's a shadow beast, they're looking for you right now.

" She says walking towards me. I remembered that one shadow person that helped me, weird.

" What are you doing here? "  I say, giving her a welcome hug.

" They took Asher. I needed to escape. " She says, looking down.

" Asher..?"

"Who took them!! " I say, shaking her.

" I don't know! I woke up to Asher gone and a mess in the kitchen! " she says.

" Stay here.

" I tell her, running towards the portal.

" JOY NO" She says. As I got to the other side of the portal I looked back to see that Jinx can't come in, I'm alone. I walk towards the cliff, I jump off to hope for something to catch me. As I look up I see the shadow figure again, I grab its arm and pull it down more towards me. As we crash into a tree I throw them onto the ground pinning them.

" WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DO YOU WANT TO HELP ME ! " I say holding them down. They don't speak. I hold them down and reach towards a rope. I pick them up and tie them to a tree.

" You won't talk, eh?"  I say looking at them.

"Fine, I'll let you starve then. " I say sitting down on a log.

A couple hours later the sun finally started to rise. I smelt this burning smell. I opened my eyes to see the shadow figure's foot, he had a human foot. It was slowly burning off the shadow of this person.

" AH HA! " I say, I untie them and direct them under a tree so there's more shade. I leave them and walk towards the sun, I close my eyes and reach my hands in the sky to hopefully catch a sun ray.

" Cmon Joy you can do it ! " I say, pushing all my power into my hands.

" AH HA" I say as I open my eyes,

" I  did it! I caught the sun ray!! " I say, my powers are still here. Deep down.. I walk towards the shadow figure. " This may hurt. " I direct the sunbolt onto the figure, as it slowly shows a human.

I gasp as I see who it is..

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