Chapter 5

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I woke up tied up in this big den, it looked like I was underground because there were roots of à tree sticking out holding candles, gotta say kinda smart. I looked around and I saw my bow and arrow in the corner of the room, I thought to myself that the people who did this are idiots to tie me to a chair with my weapons in the end of the room, I tried to get up but fell to my side, I was tied by the ankles too. I tried wiggling over but the people who did this walked in the room, it was this man..

" You're not going anywhere princess.. " He said with a grin.

I tried biting him until the headmaster walked in, he saluted them and walked away, the voice was deep and he had a mask on, I think it was a voice changer.

" Look, Princess.. All we want is your crown " I asked what's so special about my crown anyway, I was very confused..

" Your crown has this gem inside the most powerful gem in the world.. It will stop the moon's transformation and all Royalty will die.. WE'RE GONNA RULE THE WORLD FOR THE THRONE! "

Once I heard Throne I thought of one person... I was sneaking my hands out of the ropes and I made it, I had to hold the ropes so they didn't know I escaped..

" What a nice bow.. Reminds me of this boy, he gave it to you.. You may ask how I know.. Well, I was there.. " I thought of Luke instantly until they had to leave because of an emergency outside.

I got out of the ropes and sat up from the chair, I ran to my stuff and started to sneak out, I shot some guards and managed to exit.

I wasn't sure where I was so I had to start running in a random direction. I ran like the wind until I wasn't able to move my legs, I fell down. I felt paralyzed.. I opened my eyes and fell in droozing flowers.. I had to sneak my way out before the dust came out. I saw a bird on the flower and It flew causing a domino effect, I sadly got hit and It was a nightmare about Cooper. It was very short luckily and I woke up in a wooden hospital bed, I looked beside me and Cooper was sitting beside the bed waiting for me, as I sat up he gasped and hugged me, he pressed a button bringing these elves to my room with medical bags treating me, I asked what happened and he explained everything

" You got knocked out and kidnapped by these weird shadow jumpers. We weren't able to get you in time. Then these elves found us hopeless and they decided to help us find you but you escaped yourself...

They agreed with what he said, so I decided to think of a plan to help the Fairies. When I thought of a plan I ran straight to Cooper telling him what I thought to do, he agreed with the plan and walked back to the firepit, he seemed pretty sharp with me today..

I decided to go to bed early since I was super exhausted because of my kidnapping, once I got to my tent I got change and I felt like someone was looking at me but I ignored the feeling, I got under my covers and the bed wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, then I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly. 

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