Chapter 17

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We finally arrive at the castle and he sits me down.

" Say, Princess, what made you come to our little town? " He asks

" I'm not here for long, I'm running from someone, I found out who they could be related to and I needed to leave. Do you know about Aura or Auralia by any chance? " I ask him.

He gasps as I say her name.

" Don't ever say that name out loud here, she's our enemy. She want's stuff from us. So, we hide out as Humans. "He says.

"Look princess, I'm sorry but you can't stay here for long. We will teach you to survive and hunt and we will always be on your side but you'll lead her to us.

" He says, I nod and agree.

" Guards! Direct her to Ash." He says, the guards slowly direct me over.

"Here you go princess. ASH! We have someone for you to train. " says the guards pushing me towards a tree.

" Ah yes, thank you guards! " This girl parkours out the tree.

"Hey! I'm Ash, I'm here to train you to survive out here in only just 3 days of training! " She said, shaking my hand, she was very hyper.

" I'm Joy.." I say with a nervous smile.

"Welcome Joy! We will start training. Heads up! " She says as she punches me, she launches me, hits me,throws stuff at me.

'' OH my you really need training, we will start again tomorrow." Ash says, rubbing her head.

I sigh in sadness walking into the village.

"What happened to my fighting? "I ask myself as I head towards the castle.

Someone pulls me into the alley and throws me on the ground. I pass out from how hard I hit the ground..

I wake up over the edge to someone holding me with a rope.

" HELP ME PLEASE " I say stressing out.

" What do you want and what're you doing here. " Says this voice in the shadows


The person gasps and pulls me up and unties me.

"You too?" they say, they come out of the shadows to reveal this girl in a white dress.. Beautiful green hair, she had deer ears and a tale of a devil but fluffy.

" What are you.." I ask in curiosity

" Well that's nice to ask... We're all Golden Taurens, I'm the only one who shows my form, Aura wants our power so we hide as Humans.." she says, "I gasp.

" My name is Faun, what's yours? " she says

"I'm Joy Budski, nice to meet you Faun.. " I said, shaking her hand,

"I saw you at practice and it was very bad, how about I teach you and you'll be gone by tomorrow. Okay?" she says, I nod and agree.

" Let's go, we need to go to town. " she says, grabbing my hand and running out.

We arrive in town and bump into these boys

"I'm so sorry " I said looking up, they looked scary.

They pushed Fawn to the ground.

"Who's your little friend bucky?" one of them asks.

"No one. '' She says

"what is she here to do with you huh, you outcast." he pushes her to the ground.

I get up and push them.

" LEAVE HER ALONE" I yell, there was a group of people coming to see the fight.

" Oh what will you do?" he said laughing.

" I will fight you." I say with a smile.

" You're too soft and too sensitive to handle a man's job, stay in the kitchen." He says laughing and fist bumping his herd of boys.

" Joy.. Leave them." Fawn says getting up.

"Having the larger capacity to feel and express emotion are one of the many qualities that make us superior to your kind." I say, everyone gasps and they go speechless.

They run away, I help Fawn up.

" Hey thanks.. How did you do?" she asks, rubbing her hands.

" I'm a princess, I can do anything." I say winking at Fawn, she smiles.

We start to walk towards the forest.

"Why were they bullying you? You look cool." I ask,

" I'm different. I can't transform into a human.. I don't know how or why but I'm just unlucky, that's why I'm outcasted. If aura came I would die." says Fawn tearing up, I lift her chin up.

" Girl, you ain't gonna get caught on my watch" I say. She smiles and gives me a hug.

" Let's go back to my village, you'd like my friends " I tell her with a wink. She smiles and squeals in excitement.

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