Chapter 10

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 " Well, I was having a wonderful dream at the beach until I saw you joy, your eyes were green and you were running across the beach, I decided to chase you until you led me to Cleo's room, I saw everything.. She's evil... i've come to tell you that she's evil... most definitely evil.. Evil you say??! Ornery, scandalous and evil.. For sure.. " He says.

I look at Luke and give him a look saying that Cooper went insane, I didn't believe him at first until he told us something else..

" She made the curse, she's not a real princess, she's FAKE.. the real princess is " Before he finished he stopped.

He quickly said that we need to go to the ceremony before she opens the door. We run over and burge in..

" STOP.. IF you're so mature now.. Then I think it's time to grow up.. ADMIT you did it WE ALL KNOW YOU DID IT AND YET YOU STILL GASLIGHT ME UP!!! " I say with all eyes on me.

Cleo gasps and gets all red

" how do you-"

" Don't ask questions... you don't wanna know.. I Learned my lesson.. Way too long ago"

" something is about to happen to us.. " I say, I look towards Cooper and Luke and send them to catch her.

I try to find Coral and tell her to direct everyone outside to safety, I slowly walk towards Cleo in confusion of where Luke and Cooper are until I hear yelling under the floor, they fell in a hole under the floor. I try to pull them out until I realize Cleo left.

I look around and she's at a lever.

" Now you're just somebody that I used to know." she says, pulling the lever.

Luke and Cooper gasp as the moon light opens up. We freeze in fear as she tries to run. They run up to me and tell me that we need to run but we didn't make it in time.. I'm immune, my necklace saved me.. But sadly Luke and Cooper aren't. They got under her command and started to chase me, Cooper pinned me down and started to strangle me until I heard this voice.

" Let her go please," They let go.. The mysterious figure I saw with Cleo appeared out of nowhere and started walking towards me.

I rubbed my neck and slowly started to back up. " No no honey, don't be so scared of me.. I won't hurt ya.. " he says, reaching his hand towards me..

I get up by myself and shake the dust off my clothing.

" Who the heck are you ?" I ask rudely,

" I am your father.. I ran away because I was scared of you, you 're so powerful as a kid I couldn't help you. But here I'm now..! "He says, reaching his arms out to hug me.

" BACKSTABBER " I say while transforming into my butterfly form, I pull him in the air to try and start to squeeze him until this bright blue light appears...

" STOP JOY ! " Says Coral, she's a butterfly? " What the heck, how can you.. "

"I'M THE LOST PRINCESS.. Cleo is fake.. That's how I got the shard.. AND THAT'S OUR DAD SO LET HIM GO. " I let him go and transform back. Coral runs straight towards him and helps him up, and I slowly get up myself..

Coral goes under the curse and undercontrolled and pounces at me, they want something from me but I have no idea what. I fight Coral as I see my dad tieing Cooper and Luke up and getting them out of command, they yell at me to watch out as I get hit in the face with a shield, I go flying as I hit the wall in pain, I open my eyes to see Coral and my dad walking towards me, im weak.

I hear Cooper and Luke yelling at me to get up as Coral grabs me and hits me against the wall, Cleo throws her a spear as she pins it to my throat...

" any last words princess.?! "

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