Chapter 9

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I wake up in sweat in my room, It's just a dream.. But all dreams are memories from the past or future.. I got up to start walking over to my door until I fell to the ground, my foot was in pain.. I dragged my body to my bathroom to get water since my throat was dry and I saw in the mirror, hand marks all over my neck, it was bruised up and all you see is huge hand marks.. My dream was real.. I yelled in fear and collapsed onto the ground, Coral came running in and comforted me as I cried.. She was holding me in her arms until Luke came running, I yelled and put my face into coral's shoulder.. I was in pure fear and Luke was confused.. I explained to Coral what he did and Coral got me up and put me in my bed, she gave me some water and brought Luke into the hallway, all I heard was whispering.. I slowly fell back asleep as I heard Luke running to the tower..

It's now morning. I wake up and my throat is super dry, so I walk over to my sink, I see my neck and shiver in fear but ignore it.. I put concealer on the bruises so nobody can see what happened. I walk downstairs and all eyes on me. I see Cleo with a smile the same as Cooper and Luke beside Coral waving at me and patting my chair. I walk over and sit down beside my mom instead of Luke. He looks guilty and sad, pathetic. I start to eat until I look at my food to realize its plastic, I look at Cleo and as she presses a button I look up to see a bucket tip and I get all wet. I look up to everyone laughing except Luke and Coral, then I hear gasps. I look down to see all my concealer running down my shirt, I look to Cleo and as she's laughing I see Cooper shocked. I run to my room crying and locking the door, I go to my washroom and put more concealer on.

" I'm laughing, I'm crying, It feels like I'm dying. I'm laughing, I'm crying, It feels like I'm dying, I'm laughing, I'm crying...It feels like I'm dying...I'm dying, I'm dying " I say in my mind before breaking down..

I hear a knock and I walk to my door and I open the door. Cooper is at the door with flowers and a towel..

" Hey um, I'm sorry about Cleo.. I mean my fiancè.." he says confused

" I had no idea, I thought you actually looked nice today.. That's why I smiled.. And for your neck, who did this. " He says angrily,

" Lu-" I say before Luke walks in stopping my phrase.

" OMG JOY WHY DID CLEO DID THIS.. I'm so sorry, and what is HE doing in here.." Luke says pushing Cooper out of the way.

He walks up to me and as he raises his hand to hug me I flinch, Cooper realizes and pushes Luke to the ground, He pins Luke down and starts to punch him.

" YOU STRANGLED JOY, NOW YOU SHALL DIE.. " He says while beating Luke up,

" I get nervous and tried to pull Cooper out of the way but he hits me to the ground, I get mad and as I get even angrier I feel like pure FIRE, I open my eyes to see my floating in the air and glowing yellow gas around me, Open my arms and it freezes Cooper and luke, I pull them apart as I get even angrier without realizing I start to squeeze them with magic, they nearly lose breath until my mom walks in with a machine and opens it as it sucks my power away, I fall to the ground and mom catches Cooper and Luke but not me. As I hit the ground a huge explosion happens and everything goes blank..

Next morning I wake up in the hospital, and as I look beside me I see this strange man with my mom.

" Oh my she's awake!! " says my mom running towards me as I sit up.

" What happened ?! " I say, rubbing my head,

" Look for yourself.." my mom says while passing a mirror. My cheeks had these little suns on them on both sides glowing..

" WHAT IS THIS ?! " I yell in distress

" Those are your marks, you gain them once you transform into your magic form, usually that occurs when you're 25 but you got them early which probably explains why you're in the hospital with a sprained arm, it's too powerful for you and I don't recommend using it until you're older. " says the royal doctor,

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