Chapter 22

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I open my eyes to be laying in a field of flowers. I felt so magical I sat up and I felt like a newborn baby.

" Hello?" I yelled, it echoed, it was so cool. As I slowly walked through the field I heard them yelling,

" HELLO?! WHERE ARE YOU" I yell I trip over a rock and as I lift my head up there was a bubble with Echo being strangled by the same person I saw when Jack got kidnapped. How weird..

Then another bubble appeared and it was a photo of Azmar cove in chaos, my friends we're all dead.. And in the distance I saw me with a bloody bow and arrow. Did I do this? I deny everything and the more I did it the more the echo left. I woke up to be on the floor in the middle of nowhere. Was it a dream? I ask myself, I sighed, I was so relieved I wasn't dead. I stood up to see massive trees and waterfalls, I was screwed. I slowly start to walk through. I decided to climb a tree to see where I was.

As I slowly climbed through the trees I realized that even though the trees are different, the texture of the tree's are less rough.

I heard noises in the bushes and as I got closer this squirrel came out, but it's different. It had wings, It flew out of the tree and I nearly lost balance. This arm reaches for me and pulls me up, but once I get up, no one is there. Weird. I looked around and as I looked I saw this massive mountain, it looked like it could help me. My first place was the mountain, but how do I get down was my problem. I didn't feel like walking and I couldn't fly. As I slowly went down this figure grabbed me mid air and started flying me over. As I looked up it was a shadow figure, I wasn't able to see the face but the touch felt so familiar...

As we got closer to the mountain they dropped me at the bottom. When I looked up to thank them, they disappeared.. How weird, why were they similar, what's happening? I shrug it off and start my journey to climb the mountain. It was very high but there were ledges sometimes. As I started to climb I immediately got tired. This will take forever.

A couple minutes later I got half way high but cut myself on a sharp edge, I nearly let go as the shadow grabbed me and pulled me up the hill, again. I got up and they disappeared. How weird. But I ignored it and started walking, as I was walking the view was beautiful. I wasn't looking where I was and fell down a massive hole. I landed on a massive mushroom saving my fall, I bounced off into the water. I turned around to this beautiful waterfall, it was so random. As I slowly walked towards it I saw this glowing purple light in the waterfall, was there a cave? I closed my eyes and slowly walked through the waterfall revealing the cave. I open my eyes to this portal looking thing, it has purple specks coming off it, I close my eyes and walk through the portal. As I walked out I arrived in this beautiful dress, it was long with blue, purple, pink shaded colours. There was a headpiece and a corset, it had long fleece sleeves. It was beautiful.. As I walked out this butler greeted me.

" Welcome Princess Joy from Azmar Cove to the royal Ball ! Queen Aura is inside, she will let you know the events of today's ball, M'lady." He says bowing, I bow back.

I start walking towards the entrance, I guess I made it. As I walk in, Aura greet's me.

" Welcome Princess Joyceline!" She says bowing, that wasn't my name. I bow back.

"We will meet you at the main room with announcements. " She says, giving me a smile. I smile back. I guess she doesn't recognize me.

I bow and walk towards the main room, there were all these princesses, princes and more. I've never seen them before. I walk in and sit at a table, The two guests turn around to reveal Echo and Jinx.

" JOYY" Jinx yells running around the table to hug me.

" I thought you died! We didn't find you" Echo says, giving me a hug.

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