Chapter Four

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Cassie turned her digital camera on, she snapped a photo of the graffitied words SATAN U.

She looked at the photo on the back of her camera, she looked back up at the words as she turned off her camera.

Cassie wondered pass the artwork, she beamed as she noticed a building with gargoyles sitting by the front of the doors.

She turned her camera on and took a photo of the front entrance. Cassie looked down at the photo the words WELCOME CASSIE brightly shined in the photo.

Cassie quickly looked up at the building, a sign perched on top of the building glistened with WELCOME CASSIE.

She turned her attention around her, Cassie didn't know where she was. She had wondered too far from the path she knew all too well.

Cassie looked back at the building. She inhaled than exhaled as she bravely walked towards the front doors.

Cassie watched as the door creaked open. She slowly pushed the door open, the only light shining through was the sun.

Cassie looked outside the building; she turned her attention to the inside of the building.

Lit candles slowly descended and suspended themselves around the ceiling of the roof.

Cassie looked at the marks on the walls. Some she recognised, many she didn't.

Each wall had been decorated in ancient sigils using different pens, sharpies, and spray paint in assorted colours.

Ripped posters with the words ONLY STAY FOR THE DEVIL repeated over and over were plastered throughout the interior of the building.

A circle of flames in the centre of the building appeared on the floor.

Cassie stepped back towards the door.

The space inside the fiery circle slid open, a black staircase appeared leading downwards.

The glow of the candles and the ring of fire filled the inside.

She turned her attention back to the door seeing it had brushed closed. Cassie looked back at the circle of fire; her heart was racing. She slowly took a step to the circle of flames. The flames quickly dropped to the ground leaving behind a blended mark into the concrete.

Cassie bravely took the first step onto the stairs.

The floor slide closed.

She looked up as a red glow pushed through the darkness.

Cassie tried not to let herself panic as she descended further into the red glow, she stood with fear at the bottom step as she tried to figure out where exactly she was.

Cassie didn't move as an adult sized shadow moved against the red walls. She lowered her gaze watching the shadow move along the black floor.

A pair of smartly dressed black shoes stopped in front of her.

She slowly looked up, his black pressed pants, a black belt with red stones around the buckle, a white shirt underneath a black fitted formal vest. She noticed the cufflinks, red gemmed horns. She slowly brought her eyes to his face, his neatly shaven jawline. Blue eyes, blonde hair.

He almost looked like Prince Charming to a T.

"Cassie" he reached his hand out to her.

Cassie looked down at his hand. She placed her hand in his.

He smiled as he led Cassie down the red walled, black floored corridor.

Cassie felt blinded by her imagination as he swept her off her feet, cradling her in his arms as he walked into a bedroom.

A fireplace appeared by the wall with a small fire crackling filling the room with its only light source.

He placed her down on the black satin sheeted bed, she felt his lips pressed against hers.

Cassie felt like this was all a dream, the way he softly ran the tips of his finger down her shoulder to the tips of her fingers. She closed her eyes as she felt his lips against her neck.

She allowed herself to lose herself amongst the glow of the fire. She allowed herself to feel the softness of the fabric against her body as he stripped away her clothing.

Cassie listened to the drop of the drapes around the four-post bedframe.

He looked down at his young naked lover wrapped in the black satin sheet, her blonde hair smooshed against the red satin pillows

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He looked down at his young naked lover wrapped in the black satin sheet, her blonde hair smooshed against the red satin pillows. He smiled as he watched her back softly heave with each breath she took.

The glow from the fire slowly dying out as he watched her.

Lucifer had taken what she had always dreamt of, giving her something that made her feel like she needed. Her deepest desire, her biggest secret. He took it from her, he made her feel special for one afternoon.

The right side of the fabric that draped over the bedframe softly blew back and attached itself to the bedpost as Lucifer carefully lifted the bedsheet off his lower body, he stretched his arms out, his suit appeared on his body.

He stepped up to his feet, he stole one last glance back at Cassie as he smiled softly at the sleeping young woman. 

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