Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Look who didn't disappear for six months." Toni called out as Cassie dumped her bag on the lounge.

"Funny, Toni." Cassie slumped down at the kitchen table.

A wave of raw burger patties hitting the pan filled her sense of smell, Cassie's mouth began to water with hunger. Her eyes lit up with desire for raw meat.

"So, did you and Michael?"

"We didn't have sex." Cassie rolled her eyes at her mother's comment. She watched as raw bacon began to sizzle on the pan.

Cassie swallowed hard; it was as if the raw meat in the pan was begging for her to taste it's uncooked juiciness.

"I wasn't going to ask that."

Cassie scoffed at her mother's words.

"Lucifer's a sweet guy."

That comment had thrown Cassie's thoughts off, her eyes widen as she ran from the kitchen and towards the bathroom. Slamming the bathroom door behind her.

"Maybe not that sweet?" Toni called out. 

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