54- my one and only

71 4 24

17th May 1981

"You look pretty hot..." Roger mumbled, his figure stood leaned against the kitchens door frame as a cigarette hung loose at his lips, his eyes carefully tracing my curves covered poorly by his shirt as I poured myself a glass of water.

"Smudged make up, messy hair, legs needing to be shaved, puffy eyes... and you still call me hot ?" I shook my head as the grey cloud he presented crept closer towards me, his hands light at my waist as I leaned against the kitchen sink. His breathe tickled harshly at the sweetness of my neck, a flutter awakening that caused my hearts beat to quicken.

"Mhm." His lips found themselves at my neck within only a few brief moments, low and deep breaths releasing themselves with the pressing of his soft, surprisingly fragile lips. Though his kisses weren't met with the same gentleness, they remained eagerly harsh as they coated my exposed skin.

My hand tangled itself in his hair behind me as his hands grasped and pulled my waist back to his rocking hips, his needy hold earning a desperate whimper from my unsteady lips. With an immediate notice of my somehow weakened cry, much to my irritation Roger's kisses slowed and took themselves backwards with his hands as his cigarette found itself tossed in the sink.

"Why haven't you said morning like that before ?" I giggled quietly, turning to face his flushed cheeks and bare torso once more as his smirk beamed with a riffling satisfaction.

"I think I might have to start my day like that everyday from now on." His eyes found themselves tied in a permanent bond with mine as I gently shrugged, my smile aching as it's wideness. "What plans have we got today...?"

"Julian's birthday party..." I clicked my tongue and let my smile fade, my arms crossing as if I was disapproving of something Roger had done, purely for my own amusement the confusion in his expression gave me. "He'd be heartbroken if you knew he forgot."

"In my defence... his birthday was a week ago. So it would've made sense to have the party then. I mean we gave him his present a week ago... he's gonna have a presentless party !"

"I told you it was because they went to visit Leo's parents...." I laughed as Roger's eyes rolled playfully, finding themselves still fixed on mine even as Toulouse brushed past our legs in an attempt to part us. "But can we get breakfast first ?"

"If we have to..." he groaned as if he was really annoyed, but I knew he would jump at any opportunity to run out of the house and grab some fresh pastries. I also knew what put him off was always the swarming press.

"Yes we do. We do have to." I nodded in reply, my smile beaming as his brightened. As his eyes slowly tried to divert from my smile to me eyes, they had to squint and pause as my cheek with a concern shining through them.

"Your cheek okay ?" Roger tilted his head to the side to get a better look at my dads claim of power, curiosity pairing with worry amongst his features as I simply shrugged. "Looks really irritated."

"It's fine... it's scarred now anyway." I didn't like the subject of it, it seemed to be impossible to bury. Not a day could pass without someone having to remind me of it, and that wasn't counting my reflection every time I glared at the permanent gash.

"Hmm I know it just doesn't look it's best that's all... you alright ?"

"Yeah..." maybe at the time I wasn't, but that didn't have anything to do with irritating a scar. I'd probably slept funny or scratched at it in my sleep, but Roger had a habit of worrying. "I do want breakfast though."


So we did find ourselves finally wondering London's streets aimlessly in our most basic clothes (since we knew tonight's party would need our wardrobes dedication) trying to decided where exactly we could eat breakfast and escape from lurching cameras.

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