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The next night, Amara was walking behind her parents, arm in arm with her sister as they entered the Bishop Security Christmas party. The family all checked their coats before going to mingle, the parents going one direction, Thalia rushing off to her friends and Amara going to the bar.

"Hey cutie"

Amara furrowed her brows in disgust as she turned to voice, face instantly softening when she saw Kate.

"I thought you were some creep," Amara smiled.

"Nope just me," Kate said, admiring her girlfriends dress, a silk long sleeve pink dress, which was low-cut down the front, a long thin silver necklace adorning the empty space between her breasts. Kate swollen hard, not letting her mind wonder too much, "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you," Amara blushed, "Guess what?" her voice was excited.


"I kinda told my parents off yesterday at dinner and they're letting Thalia go to NYU next fall," Amara smiled.

"That's so exciting!" Kate smiled.

"How's the mission?" Amara whispered the last word.

"Uhm good, Clint's over there," she nodded to the right. Amara subtly looked over towards the older archer, who caught her eye with a nod.

"He's kinda scary," Amara turned back to Kate taking a sip of her wine.

"He means well," Kate smiled, "I have to go find my mom"

"Okay, I'll see you later?" Amara asked hopefully.

"Yeah," Kate smile, walking away.

Amara watched her, a smile pulling at her lips admiring the black dress Kate had on, the way it showcased her body, but decided she preferred her in a suit.

Amara stayed at the bar, sipping on her wine, observing the people at the party, mostly people that worked at Bishop Security. She spotted Eleanor and Jack talking with her own parents. Then her eyes spotted a blonde in a green coat, she didn't know her.

"Who is that?" Thalia's voice made Amara jump.

"I have no clue," Amara kept her eye on the girl.

"Is she your type?" Thalia asked looking at her sister, awaiting an answer.

"Thal! What?" Amara snapped her neck towards her sister.

"I don't know, just trying to figure out what kind of girl do you like," she shrugged.

"There's only one girl," her eyes found that said girl, her sister following her gaze.

"Oh so you're like down bad," Thalia looked at her sister.

"Shut up," Amara playfully pushed her sister away, taking a sip of her drink, "At least I'm dating someone"

"Okay rude!" Right as the words left her mouth there was shouting to 'get down', glass shattering across the room on the full window lined walls.

secrets // kate bishopWhere stories live. Discover now