Chapter 8: Out with the Old, In with the New

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(A/N: there will be a huge time skip)

Vasil did not find any success on NXT, since now that the brand has been remodeled under the supervision of Vince McMahon and Bruce Prichard, rebranding the show as NXT 2.0, now focusing on more younger talent from ages 18-35.

Vasil has requested his release from the WWE and has said his goodbye to the person he cared for, the Joshi Judas Io Shirai. Vasil has decided to go back to his old roots in Europe, since he can't fit with the new 2.0 image of today.

With Vasil gone, the only people Io can rely on the most was her friends Zoey Stark, Kayden Carter, Kacy Catanzaro, Kay Lee Ray and newbie Cora Jade.

Io: it was unfortunate, I was starting to get to know him

Zoey: I know you miss him, Io

Kay: we're all here for you

Io: arigato ladies

Cora: I heard there was a new guy making his debut tonight

Kayden: his name sounds very Filipino; Ilyas Rizal

Kacy: interesting, I heard that Walter trained him

Kay: ooh, taught him how to do that nasty chop to the chest

Io: well I'm curious to see how he looks and performs

The girls watched the show from the catering and saw a blue Dodge Challenger SRT parked outside the Capitol Wrestling Center.

Then a 6 foot man came out and what the crowd can only see is the back of the jacket adorned with the Filipino sun and the Yu-Gi-Oh! monster Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

The man walked in pulling his bag while Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett indicated and confirmed that was the newest signee to the NXT 2.0 roster, Ilyas Rizal.

Ilyas walked through and nodded as he took in the atmosphere and checked out the competition.

Ilyas had a light mustache and a modified hairstyle of his ancestor, Jose Rizal. The Descendant of Bataan walked through the halls and went inside his locker room to get ready for his debut match.

The Descendant laid out his attire which was a pair of long tights with the designs of the Filipino sun mixed with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon with a pair of white boots.

Ilyas' debut match was against Malik Blade, which was perfect to show the NXT Universe what he's all about

As Ilyas was warming up, he heard a knock on the door.

Ilyas: come in!

A person walked in and Ilyas smiled as he recognized the person, his mentor, Walter.

Ilyas: Heneral (General) Walter

Walter: Ilyas Rizal, my pupil; I'm so proud that you finally made it here

Ilyas: it took a little negotiating, but it was worth it

Walter: and I see you're ready for your debut. Apply all I've taught you

Ilyas: I got your signature chop down, I'll make a loud echo than yours

Walter: we'll see tonight, I'll be watching and observing

The Ring General patted the Descendant's shoulder and left while Ilyas continued to warm up.


NXT 2.0 opened with Joe Gacy with his druids. His intentions was still on Bron Breakker and the NXT Championship.

After the segment, a video package showcased the rivalry between the champions Toxic Attraction and the trio of Cora Jade, Roxanne Perez and Wendy Choo.

(A few minutes later)

It was now time for the anticipated debut of the Descendant of Bataan, Ilyas Rizal.

The girls watched carefully as they saw Malik Blade in the ring ready for action. Then a new entrance theme played.

A few seconds in, the Descendant of Bataan Ilyas Rizal made his presence known to the NXT Universe. The 6 foot 228 pound man got in the ring and took in the cheering crowd while a small smile planted on his face.

As the bell rang, Ilyas and Malik locked up, and the Descendant showed off his strength by pushing Malik to the corner. Ilyas obeyed the referee and pulled back and raised his arms up.

 Malik made a mistake as he chopped Ilyas, but the Descendant smirked and shook it off.

Meanwhile, in the backstage area, the girls were by far impressed of Ilyas display in the ring.

Kayden: he's good

Kacy: he absorbed Malik's chop and didn't feel anything

Io: he's tough, I like him already

Zoey: oooh, a new interest, Io?

Io playfully glared at her "partner."

(Back in the ring)

Ilyas smirked and stopped another chop attempt by Malik and then fires back with a chop of his own, a strike similar to his mentor, the Ring General. The crowd oohhed and held their chests as Malik held his chest his pain.

Ilyas measured and waited for Malik to get on his knees. He saw the opportunity and nailed Malik with the Death March aka Seth Rollins' stomp. Ilyas went for the pin and it was over as the Descendant won his debut match.

(In the backstage area)

The girls nodded and clapped as they were impressed by the impactful debut of the Descendant of Bataan.

Kayden: wow, he's a fellow countryman!

Kacy: oh that's awesome Kayden!

Cora: remind me not to get on his bad side

However, none was more impressed and mesmerized by Ilyas' debut than the Joshi Judas herself.

Io: I like him. He's strong, he like Suzuki-sensei and he's... handsome

Cora: Io has a new one in her sights, girls!

Io: Cora-chan!

The Joshi Judas tried to deny it with a playful anime pout, but her blushing cheeks were evidence against her.

Cora: aww, someone has her eyes on the Descendant

Zoey: Io, looks like Ilyas really interested you, huh?

Io: it was only one match, I want to see more of him again

Cora: playing hard to get, Io

Io giggled while she blushed a bit.

(With Ilyas)

Ilyas was in his locker room to cool down and rest as his mentor came in.

Walter: impressive debut, Ilyas

Ilyas: I used all your teachings

Walter: and that echo from the chop was louder than mine, you one upped me there

Ilyas: got to show what I'm about

Walter: and you impressed the crowd and also some of the NXT women

Ilyas: oh, I got the women's attention already

Walter: again, great job tonight and I look forward to see more of your matches

Ilyas: thank you, Heneral

Walter: you have a good night and take care of yourself

Ilyas nodded and shook the Ring General's hand before Walter left.

The Descendant of Bataan took a warm shower and packed up for the night. He got his stuff and exited the Capitol Wrestling Center and drove off to his hotel in his Dodge Challenger.

Ilyas Rizal will soon know that his debut and looks has attracted the attention of the Joshi Judas herself, Io Shirai.

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