Chapter 19: New Apartment

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Io has messaged Ilyas about any vacant units at her apartment building, and good news for the Descendant, there is a empty unit across from her unit. Ilyas smiled and has packed his stuff in advance. He didn't tell the Joshi Judas of his plans as he wanted to keep it a surprise. 

Ilyas got all of his stuff packed into his car and locked the door of his old apartment for the last time. He then gave the key to his landlord and drove off to the new apartment complex. He parked in front of the building and unload all of his belongings from his car as he met with his new landlord.

After signing the agreement and went ahead to pay his first month's rent, Ilyas rode the elevator with his stuff until it stopped on his floor.

Ilyas: okay, landlord said room 316... ah right here

The Descendant unlocked the door and walked in to see and was immediately impressed of the size and cleanliness of the room. Room 316 was slightly bigger than his old apartment and the view was clear.

While Ilyas unloaded his stuff, Io heard the commotion.

Io: Kairi-san, we have a new neighbor moving in across from us

Kairi: really? Let's go meet them

Io: hai, let's go

The two Japanese Superstars went to meet the new neighbor, and to the surprise of Kairi, but especially Io, their new neighbor was none other than Ilyas himself.

Io: Ilyas-kun?!

Ilyas smiled as he turned around to see his girlfriend.

Ilyas: surprise babe!

Io: nani? Are you moving in?

Ilyas: hai, I moved out earlier and I already paid my first month in advance, and now I live here

Io couldn't help but to smile and give her boyfriend a big loving hug, wrapping herself around Ilyas in the process.

Io: this is the best surprise ever!

Ilyas smiled and kissed his girlfriend with love while Kairi melted and smiled from the sight.

Ilyas: I have some more stuff to unload and organize, babe

Io: oh, Kairi-san and I can help

Kairi smiled and nodded.

Kairi: hai!

Ilyas: oh okay, arigato

The two girls proceeded to help Ilyas unload and organize his stuff in the apartment.

Io: my babe is my neighbor

Ilyas smiled as he carefully fixed his clothes and set up his collectible figurines on the shelf.

Ilyas: okay, everything is set, thanks girls

Io: aww of course, babe

Ilyas: now I need to buy some groceries

Io: let me go with you, babe

Kairi smirked.

Kairi: you two go ahead, I have to meet my otaishi (prince) TPJ at the gym

(A/N: Drifter93 😏)

Io: oooh, don't keep Pat-kun waiting

Kairi smirked as she went back to her and Io's room, put on her workout clothes and went to the gym to meet with TPJ, leaving Io and Ilyas to themselves.

Io: let's go grocery shopping?

Ilyas: hai, let me lock up

The Descendant closed the door and locked up as he and Io rode down to the ground floor and left the building to drive to the supermarket.

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