Chapter 14: The Mat is Sacred

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(NXT Tuesday)

With Triple H as head of creative, he has made some changes to the developmental brand. He has dropped the 2.0 part of NXT, but still stuck with the ruling of hiring young talent to keep up with the foundation of building the future of WWE.

For Ilyas and Io, the change was a very big positive move for them. The Joshi Judas was at the make up department while a big smile planted her face following her first date with the Descendant this past weekend. Cora walked over and smirked as she noticed Io's big cute smile.

Cora: why you're in a good mood today, Io-san

Io was a little startled by Cora's sudden appearance.

Io: oh Cora-san, when did you get here?

Cora: just to see you all smiley

The young star said and teased the Genius of the Sky while Io blushed.

Io: u-uh...

Cora: tell me what happened

Cora said as she smirked and was curious.

Io: well Ilyas-kun and I went on our first official date

Cora: aww, where did you guys go?

Io: oh, we went hiking at the Everglades. It was a tiring, but it was worth it

Cora: because Ilyas is with you

Cora smirked while Io hide her blushing red cheeks in her hands, attempting to deny it, but knows that the young star is right of her statement regarding Ilyas.

Cora: any idea what your future boyfriend will do tonight?

Io: he's not my boyfriend yet

Cora: key word is "yet"

She said with a smirk.

Io: well Ilyas-kun has a tag team match with Marcel-kun

Cora: Imperium huh? Sounds very interesting

Ilyas was involved in another match as he once again teams with Imperium in tag team action. The Descendant's alignment with his mentor's group is becoming clear to the crowd, but they will find out more tonight in the tag match. 

(In the ring)

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade were in the ring ready for their match. Then the classical music entrance theme of Imperium played and the camera pointed at the silhouette of the three members of Imperium. The trio of professional wrestlers stood on the stage with their hands behind their backs with Walter leading Barthel and Ilyas to the ring. As all three got on the apron, they all wipe their feet to respect the mat.

Barthel and Ilyas got in the ring to get in position like a military squad. Then the Ring General got inside the ring and got in between the two members. Walter called for the formation and all three put their arms behind their backs in full synchronization.

Walter exited to the ringside area as Barthel and Ilyas are set for action. The Descendant got out of the ring and allowed the Impeccable German to start for the team.

From the opening bell, Barthel locked up with Malik and he immediately took the up and comer down with a waistlock, however Malik got out and escape the hold, but he walked right into a vicious uppercut from the German Superstar.

Blade immediately backed up and tagged in Edris. Barthel then tagged in Ilyas and as Edris ran towards him, Ilyas fired back with a pop up powerslam while Walter nodded as he looked on.

Ilyas then saw Malik trying to help his partner, but as the young star ran in, Ilyas ducked a shot and took down Blade with a hard chop to his chest, causing the sound to echo through the Capitol Wrestling Center.

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