Chapter 9: Joshi Judas Meets Descendant

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(One week later)

After a successful debut on NXT 2.0 last week, Ilyas looks to continue to make a name for himself on the colorful brand. His second match of his WWE career is a one on one match against Trick Williams.

Ilyas was watching last week's SmackDown and saw the brand dominated by the Head of the Table, the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Then Ilyas was approached by a member of the NXT roster, Solo Sikoa.

Solo: that's my uce right there

Ilyas: brother?

Solo: cousin, I'm Solo Sikoa, the Usos' younger brother

Ilyas: Ilyas Rizal

The two Superstars shook hands.

Solo: after seeing that, the crowd out there knows that the Bloodline presence flows here as well

Ilyas: you are an Uso after all; you got the look and skills

Solo: you acknowledge the Tribal Chief?

Ilyas: damn right I do

The two men shared a conversation about their families' past. Then Io came walking in to the catering area and saw Ilyas at the table talking with Solo; she blushed lightly as she got her food; she then passed by Solo and Ilyas' table, and that's when the Descendant's eyes caught a glimpse of the Joshi Judas.

Solo: yo uce, you alright man?

Ilya: oh y-yeah I'm okay, but who is that?

Solo: oh man, that's Io Shirai; one of the top women here on NXT

Ilyas: wow, one of the top huh? 

Solo: she's a big name in Japan, uce

Ilyas: she got my attention; I did see some of her work from the old NXT

Solo: well she's not a woman to be messed with

Ilyas: remind me not to get on her bad side

Solo: that's on you, uce

Solo chuckled and tapped his shoulder.

Solo: nice talking to you, uce. I'm gonna go train

Ilyas: see you around, Solo!

Ilyas got up to get some dessert from the catering, but as he went back to his table, he bumped into Io, causing her drink to spill on his shirt.

Io: gomme! It's my fault, I didn't watch where I was walking!

Ilyas: it's alright, I wasn't aware of my surroundings

Io picked up her cup and plate and saw that the person she bumped into was Ilyas himself. The Joshi Judas blushed lightly at his presence. 

Ilyas saw that he accidentally bumped into Io Shirai herself, the Descendant was at awe of her cute and fierce presence.

Ilyas: y-you must be Io Shirai

The Joshi Judas blushed and nodded.

Io: h-hai, and you must be Ilyas Rizal. Nice to meet you, Ilyas-kun

She bowed in front of him as part of her native custom. Ilyas smiled and bowed back as well.

Ilyas: nice to meet you too, Io

Io: I saw your debut match last week, you really learned a lot from Walter-kun

Ilyas: yes, the Ring General taught me well

Io: will I see you wrestling tonight?

Ilyas: oh yeah, I'll be wrestling against Trick Williams

Io: ooh, I want to see you do Walter-kun's chop

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