Chapter 27: Japan Trip Part 1 - First Class

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It's been a few months since Ilyas started dating Io and also literally living together in the same building. Io saw that the Descendant was her happiness in her life and she really wants to show how grateful she really is to him. Their hot session from last night was just the tip of the iceberg, so the Joshi Judas had an idea in her brain.

Seeing Ilyas is still asleep and worn out from last night, Io giggled and put on her shirt, panties and shorts and quietly went to the living room to go online on her laptop. Io was looking for two first class tickets for a trip to Tokyo, and luckily she found an airline which had two available seats. She saw the flight is tomorrow, which is enough time for them to pack.

(An hour later)

Ilyas woke up to see the bed empty, but smelled the coffee coming from the kitchen, which let him know that Io is already awake. The Descendant saw Io drinking some coffee and smiled as he went to kiss her.

Ilyas: ohayo

Io: ohayo babe, did you sleep well last night?

She said with a teasing smirk on her face, which made Ilyas blush a bit.

Ilyas: I- uhh... I- well... hai...

Io smirked and continued with her teasing.

Io: your hands were all over my shiri and ashi when I was on top of you... you like them, huh?

She said with a mischievous smirk on her face while she scooted close to her boyfriend, making him sweat and shiver.

She said with a mischievous smirk on her face while she scooted close to her boyfriend, making him sweat and shiver

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Ilyas: well uhh... they really feel good in my hands, they're so soft... smooth...

Io got close and laid her chin on Ilyas' shoulder.

Io: you can touch them any time you want

Ilyas: oh?

Ilyas smirked and fired back by sliding his hand down Io's shorts and panties and grabbing on her bare thicc butt, making her smirk and moan.

Io: mmmhh, so handsy babe

Ilyas: I love you too, babe

Io giggled as the couple kissed each other.

Io: oh Ilyas-kun, I do have something for you

Ilyas: aww another present, babe this is so much

Io: iie, I really want to show you how grateful I am

Ilyas: well, we are both champions and we just had a very hot session last night, so what do you have in store?

Io smiled and went to get her laptop to show Ilyas the airline website.

Io: we are going to Japan!

Ilyas' eyes widen and mouth hung open in shock as he processed the news.

Ilyas: Japan?! Oh man, I always wanted to go there for a long time!

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