Chapter 30: New Challengers Coming

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A few weeks after winning their respective titles, Ilyas and Io have returned to the Capitol Wrestling Center and saw that the landscape has changed. NXT has brought in more new and young stars to the brand from WWE's Next In Line (NIL) program. However, some parts remain the same.

Ilyas' one time ally Solo Sikoa has moved on to the main roster and aligned himself with the Bloodline. The Ring General Gunther and the rest of Imperium are now focusing on the main roster as well and also keep the Intercontinental Championship around the Austrian's waist which now left Ilyas to handle business on his own. 

As for former NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes, he has moved on to the NXT title against its champion Bron Breakker and has since won the title from the son of Rick Steiner. However, Melo's partner in crime Trick Williams looks to add gold to his waist as he is targeting Ilyas. Over the last few weeks, Trick and Melo had garnered support from the crowd, which solidified their face turn along with the despicable events from former champion Breakker.

For Cora and Roxanne, the current NXT Women's Tag Team Champions; they have their eyes on the arrogant businesswoman Kiana James and her associate, an NIL graduate named Izzy Dame; whom Roxanne has unfinished business with.

As for Io, her next challenger will be determined in a 20 woman battle royal where the winner earns a title shot. Amongst the participants ranged from Fallon Henley, Tiffany Stratton, Thea Hail, Elektra Lopez, Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne and some of the rising stars such as Kelani Jordan, Arianna Grace and Karmen Petrovic. Io looked through some of the rising stars and analyzed them.

Io: hmm one who is flexible like me, one who is a beauty queen and one who handles a katana... interesting...

The Genius of the Sky will be at ringside to watch the match closely to not only await her new challenger, but also scout any possible matches in the future.

(Time skip)

The show started with Trick Williams making his entrance and the crowd along with Booker T sung along with his theme.

Crowd: whoop that Trick!

Booker T: yeah!

Crowd: whoop that Trick!

Booker T: uh-huh!

Crowd: whoop that Trick!

Booker T: what?

Crowd: whoop that Trick!

Booker T: yeah!

Crowd: whoop that Trick!

Booker T: I like it

Crowd: whoop that Trick!

Booker T: oh yeah man! That's Trick!

Trick got in the ring and danced along to the crowd and his theme as he got on the mic. 

Trick: yo okay, let's cut it. As you may have known, Melo is the NXT Champion and our goal together is to hold championships together. Melo has done half the mission, now it's my turn, so I would like Ilyas Rizal to come out here

The Descendant's theme played and Ilyas came out with a confident respectful smile on his face. He got in the ring and grabbed a mic as well.

Ilyas: you called for me, Trick. I heard what you said back there just now, you and Melo had earned everyone's respect around here. I condoned what Bron did to your boy and I hope Melo kicks his ass

The two shared a respectable nod and a quick handshake while the crowd cheered.

Ilyas: as a matter of fact Trick, I am looking for a challenger for this title and it looks like you're a worthy contender, so I will-

Trick: hold up for a second there man. I appreciate that you want to give me a title shot, but I don't want no silver platter treatment, I want to earn my shot

Ilyas was quite surprised of Trick's declaration, but he found it respectable and commendable.

Ilyas: okay, there is a Fatal 4 way match next week to determine my next challenger, but one spot is empty. You will have to beat your opponent to qualify

Trick: let's do it man, who will it be?

As Ilyas was about to speak, they were interrupted by the stable known as the Meta-Four. The group was led by the NXT Heritage Cup champion Noam Dar along with his cohorts Oro Mensah, Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend.

Noam: Trick, what makes you think you can earn a title opportunity? No one know you except you're Carmelo Hayes' sidekick. You're just in your boy's shadow. If anyone wants an opportunity at the North American Title, it will be my boy here Oro Mensah

Oro Mensah is one of the four participants of the fatal 4 way match along with former champion Wes Lee and Dijak. 

Oro: and Noam will make sure that you won't be able to make it to the fatal 4 way match because he will be the man to beat you and qualify for next week

Trick: well let's get it on then, get in here, so I can whoop your ass right now!

The crowd cheered while Ilyas nodded in approval of Trick's intensity. The Descendant got out of the ring and sat at ringside to watch the match.

Trick Williams vs. Noam Dar - fast forward

Dar was down and groggy while Trick measured for the knee. However, the other members of the Meta-Four got on the apron as Lash distracted the referee while Oro tried to cheap shot Williams, but Ilyas even the odds and took down Mensah with a knife edge chop. Back in the ring, Noam looked for a roll up, but Trick kicked out. he then ducked Dar's running enziguri and takes down the Scottish Supernova with a high knee for the pinfall victory, qualifying for the Fatal 4 way match next week.

Ilyas nodded and clapped for Trick while also telling him he has to pass three others to get to the title match.

The match graphic updated the Fatal 4 Way match for next week.

Wes Lee vs. Oro Mensah vs. Dijak vs. Trick Williams

(Time skip)

It was now the main event for the night as 20 women are in a battle royal and the last woman standing will determine the challenger for Io's NXT Women's Championship. As mentioned earlier, Io is at ringside to scout and watch the match up close.

The match started and all 20 women started to throw punches while trying to avoid going over the ropes or go for any high risk maneuvers. Amongst the participants were Tiffany Stratton, Fallon Henley, Thea Hail, Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne and others more as they all want to challenge the veteran Io Shirai.

(Fast forward)

Over half of the field were eliminated and the last remaining in the ring were Stratton, Henley, Dolin, Jayne, Jordan, Petrovic and Kiana.

The cowgirl Fallon Henley clotheslined her former partner Kiana over the rope, but the businesswoman managed to maintain her balance as her protege Izzy Dame got James on her shoulder to avoid elimination. However, coming in were the NXT Tag Team Champions Team 2001.

James was not eliminated from the match, but Cora and Roxanne had an idea and worked on the foundation by superkicking Izzy, making her lose her balance causing James to fall to the floor, officially eliminating her. Roxanne and Cora proceeded to brawl with James and Izzy to the back of the arena as the attention shifts back to the match.

The final four is down to Stratton, Dolin, Petrovic and Jordan; two rising stars and two established stars of the brand with one goal in mind.

(Fast forward)

Dolin and Jordan were the final two women, however Toxic Attraction presence still lurks around as Jacy, who was eliminated earlier in the match helped out her Toxic sister in eliminating Kelani Jordan.

Io's next challenger is Toxic Attraction's Gigi Dolin. The Genius of the Sky stood up and raised her title as she stared at her next challenger. The show ended with the two women trash talking each other.

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