Chapter 26: Champ's Reward

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The weekend has come for the two new champions after their well fought matches at Stand & Deliver. Ilyas was in his apartment having some breakfast with his NXT North American Championship on display at his table, while still feeling on cloud nine after defeating Carmelo Hayes.

As for Io, after winning the NXT Women's Championship for the second time, she has something up her sleeve for her boyfriend and his first ever championship win.

The Genius of the Sky looked through her wardrobe and found her pink kimono.

Io: hmm... a present to unwrap for my champion love

Io smirked and laid out her kimono on her bed to iron it. But before she irons it, the women's champion went to make herself some coffee and breakfast.

(Back with Ilyas)

Ilyas took a picture of the North American title next to his collectible figurines and proceeded to send the picture to his girlfriend and fellow champion. He then changed into his workout clothes and walked down to the gym across the streets for his hour long workout.

(Back to Io)

Io was eating breakfast as she received Ilyas' picture he sent to her. She giggled as she responded to him.

Io: so kawaii with your title next to your figurines

But then, Io zoomed in on the picture and let out a gasp while her cheeks blushed as she saw right next to his Dark Magician Girl figurine is Io's Mattel WWE action figure, freshly mint on card and not opened.

But then, Io zoomed in on the picture and let out a gasp while her cheeks blushed as she saw right next to his Dark Magician Girl figurine is Io's Mattel WWE action figure, freshly mint on card and not opened

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Io couldn't help but to blush as her boyfriend has her action figure as part of his valued collectibles. The Joshi Judas brainstormed and planned more of her surprise celebration for later.

However, her plan for today is to go for a morning jog around the local national park before lunch.

(Time skip)

After the two finished their respective workouts, they went back to their respective apartments. However, Ilyas saw that Io was ahead of Ilyas; the Descendant smirked and went in sneaky mode; as Io pressed the button for the elevator, Ilyas kissed his palm and gave Io a smack and grab on her thicc butt, making her jump, yelp and moan.

Io: ahh! Mmmhh Ilyas-kun!

Ilyas: hey babe

The Descendant said with a naughty smirk on his face.

Ilyas: nice butt

Io: ecchi!

She blushed and giggled while she playfully slapped his arm as the couple got in the elevator and rode to their floor. Io took the opportunity to tease her love with a mischievous smirk on her face.

Io: but does it feel good?

Ilyas: hmm what feels good?

Io leaned in to whisper to up her teasing level.

Heart in the Sky (Io Shirai x OC)Where stories live. Discover now