Chapter 15: Ranchideto

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Today was the lunch date of really close friends Ilyas Rizal and Io Shirai. The two agreed on a date at an Asian cuisine restaurant, and no one was more excited than Io, since she wants to taste food from Ilyas' native home.

The Joshi Judas woke up and made some coffee for her and Kairi. The Pirate Princess woke up as well with her messy bed hair while she wore a robe. Io smirked as she saw her best friend.

Io: ohayo Kairi-san

Kairi: mmhh, o-ohayo Io-san

Io: you two really shook the bed last night

The Joshi Judas smirked and teased Kairi.

Kairi: I can't help it, I was so thirsty for Kenji-kun and he felt so good inside me

Kairi giggled and blushed heavily while Io smiled and hugged her.

Io: you two are so kawaii

Kairi: says you, Io-san. I heard you were hanging around a certain Ilyas-kun

Io gasped and blushed as she poured two cups of coffee.

Io: who told you that?

Kairi: oh it was Candice-san, she got it from Cora-san. Are you two together already?

Io: iie, not yet. We are just really close friends

Kairi: ooh really close friends

Io: and... we have a date today

Kairi: aww! Kawaii! Where are you two going?

Io: we're having lunch at an Asian cuisine restaurant. I'm excited to taste some food from his native country

Kairi: oooh, that sounds delicious

Io: hai, I am excited already

Kairi then played the Uno reverse card on her best friend with a smirk

Kairi: don't do any funny business, young lady

Io: hai, oka-san

The two best friends giggled and shared a laugh while they hugged each other as they bond over a drink of coffee.

(Meanwhile with Ilyas)

Ilyas was at the gym working out with the members of Imperium to improve their physiques. Walter, Fabian and Marcel recently had their ring names changed so they can keep their real names to not have them trademarked. Walter was given the name of Gunther, while Marcel was given the name of Ludwig Kaiser and Fabian was given the name of Giovanni Vinci.

As the four international Superstars worked out, the Ring General took the chance to playfully tease his young student.

Gunther: so Ilyas, I see that you're close with Io

Ilyas' eyes widen as his mentor somehow knew while Kaiser and Vinci smirked.

Ilyas: w-wait, how did you know that, General?

Gunther: well while you were in the locker room, Cora shared a little story to us

Ilyas: Cora, of course

Giovanni: are you just amici or?

Ilyas: yes, just friends for now, but we're gonna have a lunch date later; I'm gonna share a piece of my culture 

Gunther nodded in approval of his student's plan. After finishing working out, Ilyas said his goodbyes to Imperium as he drove back to his apartment building and washed up so he can feel fresh and relaxed while he will be on his date with Io.

Heart in the Sky (Io Shirai x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz