Chapter 6: Mutual Confession

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Io couldn't stop thinking about her first date with Vasil last week, and she had a dreamy smile on her face which caught the attention of Candice and Mia.

Candice: hey Io

Io: hmm?

Mia: you've been smiling since you got here, what's up?

Io: oh, I just had the best weekend last week

Candice: ooh, do tell

Io: I had my first date with Vasil!

Mia: aww!

The HBIC playfully pinched the Genius of the Sky's blushing cheek.

Candice: where did you two had your first date?

Io: at the beach, and Vasil was so kawaii

Mia: can you elaborate?

Io: he was lost when he saw me in my two piece swimsuit

Candice: you love teasing him, huh?

Io: he is so cute when I tease him


Vasil was hanging out with Adam in the locker room.

Adam: so Io has been messing with you, huh?

Vasil: if that's her way of flirting, then I can play that game with her

Adam: do you like her?

Vasil: I like her, she likes me; our feelings are mutual

Adam: and it will be more than that soon

Vasil chuckled as he taped his wrists. The matches for tonight was a six woman tag match as Io teams with Candice and Mia to take on three fourths of the MMA Horsewomen; Vasil has a one on one bout against Cameron Grimes. What the Vulture don't know is that his battle and altercation with Dominik Dijakovic weeks prior has garnered the attention of the NXT North American Champion, Keith Lee.

Adam: hey dude, it looks like your girlfriend is up first

Vasil: Io's not my girlfriend

Adam: yet

Vasil: whatever man

The two friends watched as the match started. Vasil watched as Io started off with Marina Shafir.

(Fast forward)

The legal women in the ring were Shayna and Io; Candice and Mia were fighting the other Horsewomen at ringside and eventually to the ramp. Io went for a shot, but Shayna ducked it and locked in the Kirafuda Clutch; however, Io got out of it with and broke out of the hold with a Stunner. Then Io laid out Shayna with a dropkick and went to the top rope for her moonsault. The crowd popped as the Genius of the Sky pinned the NXT Women's Champion clean in the ring.

Vasil stood up and clapped for the Genius of the Sky which brought out teasing grins from Adam.

Adam: ooh, someone is happy his girlfriend won

Vasil: whatever man

(Half an hour later)

It was time for Vasil's match against Cameron Grimes, and the Vulture must have eyes at the back of his head to keep a look out for Dijakovic or Keith Lee or probably both of them. As he was walking towards the gorilla, he heard someone call his name out, but he know who it was.

Io: Vasil-kun!

Vasil: Io-san

He saw the Genius of the Sky running towards his direction.

Heart in the Sky (Io Shirai x OC)Where stories live. Discover now