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At A Council Meeting, After Ephedia has started recovering from Gramorr-

"You want to reconcile with Amara?", Talia asked her sister, Izira, as if she had grown two heads. Other members of royalty, except for Iris, also stood there, equally dumbfounded. "Yes, I haven't seen my older sister for eleven years now. Besides, she was the first one to warn us about Gramorr. A warning, which, unfortunately, went unheeded.", Izira said nonchalantly.

"Who's Amara?", Iris asked, not understanding why everyone was reacting this horrified. "A power-hungry ruler whose only redeemable action was unsuccessfully warning us against Gramorr.", said one royal. "A traitor who went against royal institutions and practically gave away our province of Kelasar to Othrera.", cried another. "A ruler who pointed out the faults of our government and did what she could do to protect her people.", Izira said even though everyone else seemed to disagree with her.

"Amara was our older half-sister from our mother's first marriage to our step-father, Lord Markov of Kelasar. She used to be the Crown Princess of Xeris until her banishment to Othrera.", Talia explained to a confused Iris. "She has a bit of a controversial reputation, but, trust me, she wasn't that bad as people say she was.", Izira explained.

"Keeping aside what happened with Amara, we still need to maintain relations with Othrera. I think it's time we try to have diplomatic contact with them again. Since Amara's charge of treason has been proven false, her banishment is now over.", Izira announced. This time, there were no cries of refusal. "No rebuttals, therefore, I propose opening up to Othrera. How about we invite the Otheran Emperor and Empress in three months. Tell them that Amara's banishment has been lifted.", Izira announced. All of the royals did not seem thrilled about the visit, except Iris, who was unaware of Amara's history.  


Scene: Another room with Izira and the main five-

"I don't understand why was everyone so horrified with the mere mention of Amara.", Iris said. "She's a bit of a twisted figure.", Auriana specified. "That, I can tell. Why was Izira the only one sticking up for her.", Iris said.

"My sister might have some reasons. Maybe it was to uphold legality, Amara's charge of treason has been proven false, making her banishment illegal.", Talia reasoned. "That makes sense knowing Izira.", Lyna remarked.

"It isn't just because of legality, I am ending Amara's banishment. It's because Amara deserves to have her reputation restored.", Izira announced. "Amara was known for breaking institutions, siding with the Othrerans and the Kelasar Rebellion, and possibly, even mind control and manipulation.", Lyna cried out.

"That's what, Gramorr and the old Council, the people who destroyed Ephedia's liberty, want you to believe. When in reality, Amara was the only one ready to acknowledge and tackle the flaws of Ephedia's government. I'll tell you the whole story.", Izira explained.

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