Chapter 15

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"Amara, are you ready for this?", Aluxio asked his daughter. Amara nodded and fixed her coronation cape and hair pins for the umpteenth time. Just ten minutes, and she would be crowned Queen. Just ten minutes.

"Do you need help with that?", Aluxio asked, gesturing to her cape. Amara nodded her head as a yes. Aluxio stepped in front of her and kneeled to fix her cape. "Nervous?", he asked. Aluxio looked into her eyes.

"Kind of.", Amara answered truthfully. "What if I mess up? What if I embarrass myself? So many people are watching.", she rambled.

"It will be alright.", her father said reassuringly, "Just do as we practised and everything will be fine." Amara opened her mouth to retort but no words came out.

" I hope it will be fine.", she muttered.

"It will be fine. Now come on, I think it's time we go downstairs. Watch your step, we don't want to fall off the stairs by tripping on the cape.", Aluxio said, leading by the shoulders.


"Go ahead, it's time.", her father whispered when they reached the coronation hall. The moment is now, Amara thought. She strode forward towards the altar. Don't look back or sideways. Just look forward, Amara thought to herself. She could feel their stares at her, and that made her more uncomfortable. Don't look at them. Just walk forward.

She finally reached the altar, to the Archbishop who told her to take a seat on The Crystal Throne. Amara had sat on the throne countless times as Crown Princess, yet today felt different.

The Archbishop started the Sovereign's Acknowledgment, "I present you Amara Xerina, daughter of Laina Xerina and Aluxio Markov, the undoubted Queen of Kelasar. Do you acknowledge her as such?". There came an acknowledgement from each side. The actual part of the coronation had begun.

The oaths came first. "Do you promise and swear to govern the people of Kelasar according to its laws and customs.", the Archbishop asked.

"I solemnly promise to do so.", Amara answered.

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice to be executed in all your judgements?"

"I will."

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of Man and the true profession of our Constitution? Will you to your utmost maintain in Kelasar, the sovereignty of the Ephedian Empire?

"All this I promise to do.", Amara said and the oaths were over.

Now it was time for the crowning, the Archbishop held the Azure Crown over Amara's head and recited, "The Crown of the Faithful, bless our Queen and enrich her heart with pure grace." Then he put the Crown on her head and asked her to stand up. "May Amara Xerina, Queen of Kelasar, reign for many years to come.", he announced signalling the what-should-have-been an end to the Ceremony.

The attendants of the coronation rose from the pews to leave, except a select few, who knew that this wasn't the end. A painter handed Amara her portrait, and the door of another hallway opened. "The Ceremony isn't over yet.", Amara announced, "follow me to the hallway on your right." Most of the spectators followed her, puzzled at the sudden addition to Ceremony.

This is going to cause a lot of controversies. Amara was escorted by her father and the Archbishop to the Hall of Time, which was now moved to the Council Building. They walked towards an empty spot at the end of the hallway where Amara hung her coronation portrait. "May, You, Amara Xerina, continue the rule of your ancestors.", the Archbishop said and announced the end of the Ceremony. "Everyone, please proceed to the ballroom for celebration.", Amara announced cheerily.


"How mad do you think Mother is going to be?", Amara asked her father.

"Ver mad. But that is a problem for later.", he answered, Let's enjoy ourselves for now."

"May I have this dance?", Emperor Victor asked Amara, interrupting their conversation.

"Who are you?", Aluxio asked the young emperor.

"The Emperor of Othrera, Victor Aradis and you are?", he answered.

"Aluxio Markov, father of Amara.", Aluxio said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you.", Victor answered.

"Yes, you may have this dance.", Amara answered Victor and the two went away to the dance floor. Truth be told, she was getting bored just talking to her father. No offence to him.

"Congratulations.", he said.

"Thank you for attending it.", she said.

"It was your father that invited me.", he said. Amara looked at her father in the corner, who just smiled at her. She will ask her father later.

"Blue suits you.", he complimented.

"Thank you."

"I heard about the revolt. Is everything okay now?"

"We've recovered.....mostly."

"That's good to hear.", he chuckled and the two of them spent the rest of the Ball together, chatting and dancing. Amara supposed she would worry about her mother later. Right now, she could just enjoy herself with Victor.

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