Chapter 37

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Everything is pristine, from the banners on the ceiling to the polished floor. One wouldn't expect any less from the Emperor of Othrera. Though young, he carried himself with perfect dignity and grace.

It was the second anniversary of his coronation and his audience was currently waiting for him. Amara could see his brothers Rex and Pax in the hall. They seemed to be having a good time just talking to each other. A perfect contrast to their oldest brother.

When is he coming in? Amara wondered. It hasn't been long since the ceremony started, yet Amara felt impatient. Never in her life had she felt this impatient. She looked at his brothers in front of her and considered asking them, but decided against it, it would look too desperate.

Finally, Victor entered the hall and walked towards the front, passing the audience. There was nothing very grand about the event, yet Victor made it seem otherwise.

Amara watched him walk to the front, the way his back and shoulders remained perfectly straight, the way his neck stood high. It made him look bigger than he was, and he was already very big. A little over six feet in height and blessed with a slender yet well-built physique, he looked more like an adult than a sixteen-year-old. Especially when compared to his brothers, who were children themselves.

Finally, her attention went to his attire, it was a simple white shirt with an embroidered red waistcoat. Something she had seen him wear countless times. Over it was the long purple cape with a lot of strings and chains at the front. His crown and a ruby necklace were his only accessories.

"Amara, stop staring.", Izira poked her side. All the other Ephedian Royal Families were invited, most likely for cementing their newfound alliance.

"I wasn't staring.", Amara whispered.

"You were."

"I wasn't."

"You were."

"Girls, not now.", Aluxio whispered back. The two sisters but up immediately and Aluxio gave Amara an amused yet judgemental smile, "Not now.", he told Amara, much to her embarrassment.

"We are gathered here on the joyous occasion of the second anniversary of the reign of Emperor Polemos Victor, the King of Kings.", someone announced, "Can we have the Emperor here to give us his address."

The address was short and simple, a congratulatory note to all those who had attended the party. Yet there was a twist, for you see, Victor had something else to say.

"Finally, I would like to announce something. In event of our recent alliance with Ephedia, I would like you to welcome our newest ambassador. Everyone give it up for Amara Moneta Xerina.", he announced.

So this was what he meant by the surprise. She should have seen it coming when he started asking her about the role of ambassadors and diplomats. Even then, a little more warning would have been appreciated.

Now, she just hoped that he wouldn't call her for a speech or something. You can't just improvise formal speeches on the spot.

Lucky for her, he didn't. Instead, he went for the cake-cutting and the party had officially begun. As people started dancing and having a good time, Amara followed Victor into a corner of the room. Where everyone couldn't hear them or just didn't want to hear them.

"I could have appreciated some warning, you know?", Amara chastised him.

"It wouldn't have been a surprise then.", he chuckled.

"There was no need to keep it a surprise. You could have said it before.", Amara argued.

"I only got the idea two weeks ago. I just needed an excuse to see you more in person."

"Two weeks is enough warning."

"Fine, I am sorry. Are you happy now?", Victor gave up.


"Do you want to go outside. This room is making me feel stuffy.", Victor invited Amara and the two left the hall for the fountain outside the hall.

"It's cold outside, isn't it.", Amara shivered.

"Must be the autumn winds.", he said, unfastening his cape, "Here take this."

"No, keep it with you.", Amara refused.

"It's alright, I am used to the weather.", he said, handing his cape over to her.

"I insist you keep it!"

"And I insist you take it!", he said and after a brief argument, Victor's cape went to Amara.

"See, it matches your outfit.", he said watching her fasten it.


"It makes me want to throw up.", Pax told Izira and Rex, all of them busy hiding behind a fence near the fountain.

"Yet, I can't get my eyes off of it."

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