Chapter 35

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"So, what did you tell him?", Victor asked Amara later that day, "Did you make up a story?"

"Yes, yes I did.", Amara said, "It's really bad."

"Even then, I would like to hear it.", he said taking out a paper and pen, "Tell me whatever you told him."

"Why are you writing this down?"

"For future reference, what if your father decides to ask me my side of our story somewhere in the near future."

"Do I have to?", she pleaded.

"Just say it.", he said impatiently.

"I told him that you asked me out on a date the day after that walk in the gardens..."

"I feel like it would be easier to pretend that the walk in the gardens was the actual date."

"...And then I told him that you asked me to be your lover on my last day in Othrera."

"I would have to change my personality to make that story sound plausible.", he frowned.

"I know and I am sorry."

"I hope he completely forgets about everything by the time we met again, or, we break up suddenly."

"Breaking up would make it trickier to continue conversing secretly."

"You could just learn how to do a soundproofing spell.", he suggested.

"And simultaneously keep the mirror spell. No thanks.", she explained.

"I do that all the time. It's like an instinct now, whenever I use the mirror phone anywhere."

"I wish I had your prowess with Spiritual Magic."

"You're doing great for someone who never went to Magic School.", he said trying to be appreciative, however, it came out sounding passive-aggressive.

"That sounds kind of insulting.", Amara corrected him.

"I am very sorry.", he said earnestly.


"Here take this charm, it will help soundproof your room.", her father gave her a ring-like thing with green feathers, "Hang it on your door and pour some of your magic in it to activate it."

"Thanks, Dad.", Amara replied to her father.

"You both should be more careful nowadays. It's so easy for anyone to hear you talk."

"I will, Dad, I will."

"This reminds me why did you say yes?", he said, "It seems very sudden, you never showed any interest in him, romantically I mean."

Amara panicked hard, she couldn't just blurt out anything. She had to be honest, name some of his good qualities and pretend to be in love with him this whole time.

"I like the way he carries himself.", Amara thought quickly, "Who wouldn't fall for such grace." His demeanour was the thing that drew her to him that faithful day.

"He does carry himself better than most adults I have seen.", Aluxio noted. So his daughter liked the King for who he seemed to be, not who he is. Which means it will be over soon. He felt some remorse about wishing for the end of their relationship but it is better to nip it in the bud than to let it grow.

I hope it ends on good terms, it would make politics complicated if they didn't. I can't imagine Victor causing any trouble because of things like that, he seemed too sensible for that. Then again, he wouldn't have asked Amara out if he was as sensible as he seemed.

He asked Amara out...just like that. It didn't seem anything like him. But he did and Amara accepted it. Just like that. Aluxio had expected them to take two years just to realise their romantic feelings for one another.

The story was so full of holes, one could believe it to be a lie. A lie. That's what it was, wasn't it? What could they be hiding? The two were flirting with each other. They also talk to each other at night frequently, he assumed.

What could they be hiding? That is the question.


A sense of anxiety suddenly rushed through Amara, as if she had done something wrong. Her intuition told her that her father suspected her of lying yet again. This was a good plan in hindsight but Amara had to give them an official relationship instead of just saying that they are thinking about it.

Once again she would have to lie to get her out of this.

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