Chapter 36

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"You know we are going to see each other in person to fix this.", Victor said in one of their chats, "Three months is a long time to keep the state of our relationship up in the air.

"If we only had a convenient excuse to see each other.", Amara said, "I should have just said that we weren't official."

"I am sure we can fix this somehow.", he looked into Amara's eyes intensely, "Just leave it all up to me. Oh, and wait two months."


Two months later,

The Kelasarian Palace received a letter from Victor. An invitation. Amara was invited to Victor's Second Anniversary of His Reign. So that's why he told me to wait two months. Luckily, his anniversary was close by.

My first anniversary would be somewhere around nine months from now. I can't believe it has been three months already.

I will be in Kelasar in a week and will stay there for three days. That should give us enough time to deal with the situation.


A second anniversary isn't that special, yet the people are celebrating it so joyously, Amara thought to herself as she passed by the capital city. The creamiest buildings of the capital were covered in purple and red, the symbols of the Emperor.

The main event hasn't even started yet. There is still a day to go for the Anniversary. I wonder who would be there? I know the Ephedian Royals would be there. He told me during one of our chats, it was the only reason he was throwing a ball. He wouldn't have bothered otherwise. He said he had a surprise for me too. I wonder what that is.

I guess I will have to wait a day. What else can you do but that? God, the suspense is killing me.



How do you throw a party anyway? Victor thought to himself, The things I do in the name of politics. I'd rather do some paperwork. The Alliance better be worth it, he grumbled.

At least they are all happy, he looked at the streets of Othrera decked up in purple, red and gold from his balcony. Even Victor had to admit that it was a pretty sight. All of it was as grand as his first anniversary, if not more. Two years... how they passed by so quickly yet so slowly. It was almost sentimental in a way that one couldn't understand the passage of time sometimes.

It feels like yesterday when I was crowned at fourteen years and a few weeks. One of the youngest in Othreran History. Now I am sixteen. Two years gone in a blink of an eye. I wonder what comes next.


Aluxio watched his daughter during the carriage ride, Amara had her head stuck to the window, deeply concentrated on the scenery outside. If she was that excited before the ball then one could imagine how much happier she would be tomorrow.

He let himself look out the window and silently watch the cascade of red, purple and gold. It was a beautiful scene, a joyous one too. They must really love him, he thought. So it isn't just the royals who are excited about the Anniversary.

I hope everything goes well tomorrow.


The more Victor gazed out the balcony, the more restless he felt. Genuine excitement? The overwhelming urge to get this over with? He didn't know. But what he did know was that tomorrow would be eventful, to say the least.

If it was in a good way or bad one, only time would tell. He could only hope for the best.

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