Chapter 22

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Did you enjoy yourself last night?", Aluxio asked his daughter the morning after the walk.

"Yes, Dad. I enjoyed myself a lot.", Amara answered her.

"What did you two do? You both took a long time in the gardens.", he asked carefully. He didn't want to sound too nosy.

"Nothing much. We took a walk around the gardens and visited the Wishing Well. The well was a bit farther into the main gardens.", Amara explained.

So, Victor took his daughter to a lone wishing well in the palace gardens. Very traditional. "Was that all?", he asked.

"Pretty much.", she shrugged. "I cut my hand by plucking the roses on the well. Don't worry about it, Victor healed my hand when we were there."

"You both went to a wishing well and plucked a rose from the wishing well. What a classic date.", he said.

"That is very classic. Wait-a date?", Amara exclaimed.

"That wasn't a date?", he questioned.

"No, of course not. Why would you think that?", Amara asked.

"You told me you were going to visit the gardens with Victor. Alone.", he stated.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"That's a courtship ritual, Amara."


"Besides, you and the Emperor are very oddly close."

"So you thought we were romantically involved?"

"Yes.", he admitted, "I guess it's because the Emperor doesn't seem to have a good relationship with anyone else. So, everything you both do seems very intimate."

"That's actually a good explanation.", Amara admitted giving it some thought. The weird looks of the other courtiers made so much sense now. But why was it only me? she thought to herself. Better ask Victor later.


Victor groaned while getting up to answer the door. Who had decided to visit him right now? It was probably one of his brothers.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Your Majesty.", he opened his door to find Amara, standing there with a bunch of papers in her hands.

"Do you need help with something?"

"No! I mean, yes! I do need help with some paperwork.", Amara said. Victor was going to think that she was an idiot. To be completely honest, she didn't need any help with the paperwork. But, his brothers had told her that Victor didn't like to be disturbed during his work unless it was urgent, and suggested that she bring some paperwork to pretend that she was visiting for an urgent matter.

"I see.", was all he said when letting Amara in. I should have waited for some other time, Amara thought to herself. But as they say, curiosity killed the cat, so here she was. In his study. Just the two of them. Amara could finally see where everyone else was coming from.

"I'm sorry for the mess.", he gestured to the amount of paperwork on the desk. That was the only thing messy about the room. "I don't get many visitors.", he explained himself. "Now, what did you need help for?"

" I needed to fill in some details of your kingdom in this report.", she lied. "I know I should ask your ministers instead of you but I don't know anyone here but you."

Victor took a good look at Amara before saying, "I can tell when someone is lying to me."

"How did you know?", Amara asked. She couldn't believe that her ruse was so bad, that Victor saw through it so quickly.

"I didn't. It was a bluff.", he said cockily, leaning back in his chair. Amara made an offended face. She couldn't believe that she fell for it so easily. "Now tell me what are you really here for?", he asked.

"You know, I have noticed that you don't seem to be on friendly terms with anyone here. Anyone except me, and I couldn't help but wonder why?", she began.

"So you are wondering why you are my only friend? If we can call ourselves that. Do you think of me as a friend?", he asked.

"Yes, I would call you my friend.", she said.

"Thank you. It's very nice knowing that I have someone I can call a friend.", he said.

"About my question?", she said impatiently.

" It feels weird to admit it but you are the only person, except my brother, who I know is not trying to kill me.", he answered.

"How many assassination attempts have you survived?"

"I lost count after five."

"That's messed up."

"That's the Othreran Court for you."

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